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六月即将截止的特刊征稿 | 寻找更匹配您的投稿方向



1. Nutritional modulation of embryonic development and potential in livestock and poultry

期刊:Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology 

客座编辑:Xiangfang Zeng


Embryonic development in early pregnancy has profound influence on pregnancy outcome and the potential fecundity in livestock and poultry. How to improve embryonic development is the key point to enhance the reproductive performance and economic benefit of livestock and poultry. Nutrition during pregnancy largely influences maternal and fetal immune protection, secretion of reproductive hormones, expression of transcription factors and various signal transduction pathways. Inappropriate nutrition during early pregnancy causes poor embryo development, embryo loss, and miscarriage, ultimately influencing the pregnancy outcomes. Balanced and accurate nutritional modulation during early pregnancy can effectively improve the maternal and fetal physiological environment and improve embryonic development and survival. More importantly, some researchers found that the adverse effect of embryos induced by improper nutrition during early pregnancy shows transgenerational inheritance. Therefore, how to improve the reproductive performance of livestock and poultry by regulating the nutritional status during early pregnancy is an important scientific problem in this field. 

This thematic series will focus on ‘Nutritional modulation of embryonic development and potential in livestock and poultry’. Research articles and Reviews on this topic are welcomed to submit.


2. Poultry genetics and genomics

期刊:Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology

客座编辑:Jie Wen


Poultry egg and meat are the major sources of animal-based proteins for humans. With continuous genetic selection, modern poultry has become the most efficient domestic animal in cheap and quality protein production. To feed the rapidly growing human population and minimize climate degradation, however, poultry still face strong pressure to further improve production efficiency which will be highly dependent on the technology revolution. 

This thematic series will focus on the overview of research work, the significant progress during recent years and possible future prospects are highlighted. Topics include basic research progress on poultry genome annotation, achievements on genetic and genomic study of economic traits, and the advances in cutting-edge breeding technologies. The goal of editing and publishing this special issue is to advance our understanding of poultry genetics and genomics, and to provide insights into technological innovations for poultry genetic improvement.


3. Impact of COVID-19 Health Policies on Other Infectious Diseases

期刊:BMC Infectious Diseases

客座编辑:Professor Carlo Torti; Professor Elijah Paintsil; Professor Peter Subirakwenda Nyasulu


During the last year, world governments have implemented a variety of health policies aimed to contain the COVID-19 pandemic and gain time until vaccines and specific antiviral treatments become available. Stringent lockdowns, travel bans, physical distancing, mask usage, massive decentralized testing, and the requirement of special hygiene measures for the general population are among these interventions. Even with these policies in play, health systems overload and the economic burden caused by the pandemic have brought reduced and unequal access to health care worldwide.

In support of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 3, Good Health and Well-being, BMC Infectious Diseases is delighted to announce the release of Impact of COVID-19 Health Policies on Other Infectious Diseases. This collection aims to bring together original research articles and systematic reviews characterizing the benefits and detriments of COVID-19 pandemic health policies on prevention, transmission, diagnosis, and treatment of the whole spectrum of infectious diseases. Unsolicited narrative reviews will not be considered, as per the journal's policies.


4. Impact of amino acids on micro-organisms and microbial communities

期刊:Amino Acids


客座编辑:Jesús González-López;Alejandro Gonzalez-Martinez

The present special issue is to outline how the imbalance of the amino acid profiles, thus is the presence or absence of certain amino acids, influenced the shaping of different bacterial communities in different ecosystems. Besides, the new trends in both, the biosynthesis of amino acids and the degradation of protein in wastewater, will be addressed. Finally, this special issue is focused on the different cross-feeding mechanisms by which these building blocks of proteins and peptides are acquired by different microorganisms for their own growth. Hence, the present issue will contain valuable original contributions that provide new knowledge about the impact of amino acids on microbial communities and new trends in the use of technological microorganisms with importance in amino acid metabolism.


5. Natural Products and bioactive compounds in foods

期刊:Food Production, Processing and Nutrition

客座编辑:Prof. Chao Zhao; Dr. Rong Taso; Prof. Bradley Bolling


The purpose of this special issue is to feature latest, high-quality, advanced research and knowledge contributed by various research groups globally working on natural products in food that would shape the future research direction.

Natural products such as complex carbohydrates, proteins and specialty lipids as well as minor bioactive compounds play a vital role in human wellness and in food quality. These include various physiological and biological activities based on their specific chemical structures. Modified natural products also play several powerful bioactive functions and some have been used as food additives to improve food taste and sensory qualities. Recently, the anti-aging, antioxidant, anti-tumor, anti-viral, anti-diabetic, and gut microbiota regulatory efficiencies of natural products have been at the forefront of many studies. However, the structure-function relationships of them are yet to be established. Besides, a variety of natural products have attracted more attention in order to investigate their applications and functions, which facilitate their use as food ingredients or bioactive compounds in food and natural health products and pharmaceutical fields.

We invite researchers to contribute to this special issue by submitting updated and new findings on the structure, functionality, nutrition, and application of natural products. Both original research papers and critical reviews are welcome.


6. Advances in vaccines

期刊:Scientific Reports

客座编辑:El-Sayed M. Abdelwhab; Ivan Campeotto; Sérgio Oliveira de Paula; Joakim Dillner; Niels A. Lemmermann; Timir Tripathi


Safe and effective vaccines are the cornerstone in our arsenal of tools for combating the global burden of infectious diseases. As illustrated in the COVID-19 pandemic, the effective utilisation of novel technologies and approaches in vaccine development can be critical in enabling the timely control and mitigation of disease outbreaks. This Collection welcomes submissions reporting new developments in vaccinology, including advances in epitope selection, antigen delivery and candidate vaccine evaluation.


7. Optical techniques for the recording and manipulation of neural activity in-vivo

期刊:Scientific Reports

客座编辑:Robert Krencik; Talia Lerner; Xuelin Lou; Melissa Sharpe; Hiromu Yawo


Optical methods have revolutionised the experimental measurement and control of neuronal populations. In optogenetics, the expression of light-activated opsin channels in cells enables investigators to initiate specific cellular events through the application of light as a precise activating signal. This allows us to understand the basic functioning of cells and neuronal pathways at a higher spatial and temporal resolution than before. In parallel, related optical methods have emerged that endow us with the ability to measure changes in cell activation through the release of fluorescent markers. These techniques afford either bulk or single-cell calcium imaging of neural activity with high temporal and spatial resolution in behaving animals.

Since the first exploration of optical techniques in the early 2000s, the experimental tools and methods have been repeatedly refined. Indeed, it has become more and more common that both recording and manipulation of neural activity using these techniques is performed within the same animal, providing a level of control and observation of neurons in a way we have never experienced. This Collection aims to gather research using the latest optical techniques in neuroscience, and what we've learned from their application.



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