论文标题:Evidencing the Impact of Diet on Sports Performance
特邀编辑:Fred DiMenna博士(哥伦比亚大学/美国西奈山圣卢克医院)
BMC Nutrition 和BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation 很高兴推出"Evidencing the impact of diet on sports performance"(饮食对运动表现影响的证据)专辑。该专辑欢迎提供饮食和营养如何影响运动和运动表现的新见解的文章。基础研究、转化研究和流行病学研究应投稿至BMC Nutrition,临床研究(如试验和观察性研究)应投稿至BMC Sport Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation。
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BMC Nutrition
BMC Nutrition is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of nutritional sciences, including public health nutrition and global interventions, nutritional epidemiology, the biological underpinnings of nutrition in the body, clinical nutrition, health and nutrition throughout the lifecourse, and dietary supplementation for improvement in health and performance. The journal also welcomes papers on developments in nutritional research tools and novel technologies.
BMC Sports Science,Medicine and Rehabilitation
BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation is an open access, peer reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of sports medicine and the exercise sciences, including rehabilitation, traumatology, cardiology, physiology, and nutrition.
2019 Journal Metrics
Citation Impact
1.979 - 2-year IF
1.289 - SNIP
0.767 - SJR
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