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RSC Prizes & Awards 2020开放提名,点亮你心中的化学大咖!

为鼓励和表彰在推动化学学科发展方面做出过杰出贡献的个人、团队或组织,英国皇家化学会于1869年就开始设立了系列奖项和奖励 (RSC Prizes & Awards) 。150多年来,为了坚持认可、鼓励和支持科学界的杰出发现与成就,英国皇家化学会系列奖项(RSC Prizes & Awards)不断的更新、完善、拓宽、进步!

目前设置的奖项和奖励共计 80 余种,涵盖了化学科学所有领域,其中的John B Goodenough Award是以2019年度诺贝尔化学奖得主John B Goodenough教授命名的(每两年一次,今年的获奖者是思克莱德大学的David Sherrington教授),旨在表彰在材料化学领域做出杰出成就与持续贡献的科学家。获奖者中至今共产生了五十多位 位诺贝尔奖得主,包括 Harry Kroto、Fred Sanger 、Linus Pauling 以及 2016 年的三位诺贝尔化学奖得主。2020年最新的 RSC Prizes & Awards 提名和评选已经启动,期待听到更多来自中国的声音,看到更多中国科学家的身影!在此,诚邀您的参与和支持,为您心中的“化学大咖”或“化学成就”提名(团体奖项今年开始可以自我提名) – nominate or be nominated until 15 January 2020!


Inspirational Member Award 2018             Sustainable WaterAward 2016

Ludwig Mond Award 2015                      Merck Award 2015


2018 英国皇家化学会奖项奖励获奖者

RSC 奖项奖励华人获奖者之郑莹教授

RSC 奖项奖励华人获奖者之曾晓成教授

RSC 奖项奖励华人获奖者之余金权教授

RSC 奖项奖励华人获奖者之颜宁教授

欢迎提名 2020 年度候选人

现 2020 年度的奖项奖励已开放提名,截止日期为 2020 年 1 月 15 日。任何人都可以被提名英国皇家化学会 Prizes & Awards 奖项,但有些奖励和奖项要求提名人必须是英国皇家化学会的会员。


1.提名人的个人信息(名字、联系方式、RSC 会员号);



4.不超过 4500 词的支持性文字说明(以此支持遴选要求);




Analytical Chemistry

  • Robert Boyle Prize for Analytical Science
    Outstanding contributions to analytical science
    Past winners:
    Richard Compton, University of Oxford (2018)
    Richard Evershed, University of Bristol (2016)
    Eric Bakker, University of Geneva (2014)

  • Theophilius Redwood Award
    To a leading analytical scientist who is also an outstanding communicator
    Past winners:
    Perdita Barran, The University of Manchester (2019)
    Christy Haynes, University of Minnesota (2018)
    Christopher Elliott, Queen's University Belfast (2017)

Chemical Biology

  • George and Christine Sosnovsky Award in Cancer Therapy
    To recognise outstanding accomplishments in the prevention, control and cure of cancers using chemotherapy, including gene and immunotherapy
    Past winners:
    Margaret Brimble, The University of Auckland (2018)
    Yoshito Kishi, Harvard University (2016)
    Roger Griffin, Newcastle University (2014)

  • Jeremy Knowles Award
    To recognize and promote the importance of inter- and multi-disciplinary research between chemistry and the life sciences
    Past winners:
    Benjamin F Cravatt, The Scripps Research Institute (2019)
    Christopher Chang, University of California (2018)
    R. Scott Prosser, University of Toronto (2017)

  • Khorana Prize
    To recognise outstanding achievement in research at the chemistry and life science interface
    Past winners:
    Craig Crews,Yale University (2018)
    David Lilley,University of Dundee (2016)
    Gideon Davies, University of York (2014)  

Environment, Energy and Sustainability

  • Green Chemistry Award
    For the design, development or implementation of novel chemical products or processes which have the potential to reduce or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances
    Past winners:
    James Clark, University of York (2018)
    Paul Anastas, Yale University (2016)
    Michael North, University of York (2014)  

  • John Jeyes Award
    For chemistry in relation to the environment
    Past winners:
    Martyn Chipperfield, University of Cincinnati (2018)
    Rob Jones, University of Cambridge (2016)
    Vicki H Grassian, University of lowa (2014)

  • Sustainable Water Award
    Contributions of chemical sciences to equitable water supply
    Past winners:
    Dionysios Dionysiou, University of Cincinnati (2018)
    Jun Ma, Harbin Institute of Technology (2016)
    Simon Parsons, Scottish Water (2014)

Inorganic Chemistry

  • Frankland Award
    Outstanding contributions to pure and applied research in organometallic chemistry or coordination chemistry
    Past winners:
    Simon Aldridge, University of Oxford (2018)
    Andrew Weller, University of Oxford (2016)
    Cameron Jones, Monash University (2014)

  • Joseph Chatt Award
    Outstanding multi-disciplinary research in the areas which span inorganic chemistry and biochemistry
    Past winners:
    Nick Le Brun, University of East Anglia (2018)
    Paul Walton, University of York (2016)
    Dr Amy Rosenzweig, Northwestern University (2014)

  • Ludwig Mond Award
    Outstanding research in any aspect of inorganic chemistry
    Past winners:
    Stuart Macgregor, Heriot-Watt University (2019)
    Warren Piers, University of Calgary (2018)
    Karsten Meyer, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) (2017)

    Richard Winpenny, University of Manchester (2016)

    Professor Vivian Yam, University of Hong Kong (2015)

  • Main Group Chemistry Award
    Outstanding research in any aspect of the chemistry of the s and p block elements
    Past winners:
    Jose Goicoechea, University of Oxford (2018)
    Michael Hill, University of Bath (2016)
    Holger Braunschweig, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (2014)

  • Nyholm Prize for Inorganic Chemistry
    Outstanding contributions to inorganic chemistry
    Past winners:
    Stephen Mann, University of Bristol (2018)
    George Christou, University of Florida (2016)
    Thomas Rauchfuss, University of Illinois (2014)

  • Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson Award
    Outstanding contributions to pure or applied research in the field of organometallic chemistry
    Past winners:
    Polly Arnold, The University of Edinburgh (2018)
    Guy Bertrand, University of California San Diego and CNRS (2016)
    Tobin Marks, Northwestern University (2014)

  • Supramolecular Chemistry Award
    To recognise studies leading to the design of functionally useful supramolecular species
    Past winners:
    Sijbren Otto, University of Groningen (2018)
    Michael Ward, The University of Sheffield (2016)
    Philip Gale, University of Southampton (2014)

Materials Chemistry

  • Stephanie L Kwolek Award
    To recognise exceptional contributions to the area of materials chemistry from a scientist working outside the UK
    Past winners:
    Jeffrey Moore, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2018)
    Nicholas Kotov, University of Michigan (2016)
    Joseph T. Hupp, Northwestern University (2014)

Organic Chemistry

  • Bioorganic Chemistry Award
    Excellence in any area of bioorganic chemistry
    Past winners:
    Floyd Romesberg, The Scripps Research Institute (2018)
    Vincent Rotello, University of Massachusetts Amherst (2016)    
    Wilfred van der Donk, University of Illinois (2014)  

  • Catalysis in Organic Chemistry Award
    Discovery or development of any catalytic process that has applications in organic chemistry
    Past winners:
    F. Dean Toste, University of California, Berkeley (2018)
    Michel Gagné, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2016)
    Michael Willis, University of Oxford (2014)    

  • Charles Rees Award
    Excellence in the field of heterocyclic chemistry.  The award covers the synthesis, properties and applications of all types of heterocyclic compound
    Past winners:
    Andrew Smith, University of St Andrews (2018)
    John Murphy, University of Strathclyde (2016)    
    Tim Donohoe, University of Oxford (2014)    

  • Merck, Sharp & Dohme Award
    For contributions to any area of organic chemistry from an established career scientist
    Past winners:
    Nicolai Cramer, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (2019)
    Frank Glorius, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (2018)
    Phil Baran, The Scripps Research Institute (2017)

  • Natural Product Chemistry Award
    For studies of the chemistry of natural products
    Past winners:
    Bradley Moore, University of California at San Diego (2018)
    Jieping Zhu, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (2016)  
    Ian Paterson, University of Cambridge (2014)    

  • Pedler Award
    For contributions to any area of organic chemistry from an established career scientist
    Past winners:
    Armido Studer, University of Münster (2019)
    Guy Lloyd-Jones, The University of Edinburgh  (2018)
    Jin-Quan Yu, The Scripps Research Institute (2017)  

  • Robert Robinson Award
    For contributions to organic chemistry from a research over the age of 55
    Past winners:
    Bernard Golding, Newcastle University (2019)
    Tom Simpson, University of Bristol (2018)
    Dale Boger, The Scripps Research Institute (2017)

  • Sir Derek Barton Gold Medal
    To recognise work in any area of organic chemistry which reflects the many diverse interests associated with Sir Derek
    Past winners:
    Samuel Danishefsky, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Columbia University (2018)
    Keith U. Ingold, National Research Council of Canada (2016)
    E.J. Corey, Harvard University (2014)  

Physical Chemistry

  • Chemical Dynamics Award
    For outstanding innovative research on the dynamics of molecules, including spectroscopy, kinetics or molecular interactions in the gas, liquid or solid phase
    Past winners:
    Dr Matthew Beard, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (2019)
    Klaas Wynne, University of Glasgow (2018)
    Julia Weinstein, University of Sheffield (2017)

  • Faraday Lectureship Prize
    Exceptional contributions to physical or theoretical chemistry
    Past winners:
    Graham Hutchings, Cardiff University (2018)
    Graham Fleming, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California at Berkeley (2016)
    Michel Che, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (2014)

  • Soft Matter and Biophysical Chemistry Award
    For outstanding and innovative research in soft condensed matter and/or the application of physico-chemical techniques to biological problems
    Past winners:
    Michael Rubinstein, Duke University (2019)
    Nicholas Kotov, University of Michigan (2018)
    Douglas Tobias, University of California, Irvine (2017)

  • Surfaces and Interfaces Award
    For outstanding and innovative research on the behaviour of chemical systems at surfaces or interfaces
    Past winners:
    Molly Stevens, Imperial College London (2019)
    Paolo Samorì, University of Strasbourg & CNRS (2018)
    Xiao Cheng Zeng, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2017)


  • Applied Catalysis Award
    To an individual for creativity and excellence in novel approaches or use of catalysis in industry
    Past winners:
    Ying Zheng, The University of Edinburgh (2018)
    David Johnson, Lucite International (2016)
    Douglas Stephan, University of Toronto (2014)

  • Chemistry World Entrepreneur of the Year
    To individuals who demonstrated creativity and vision, driving chemistry innovation to commercial success for their business
    Past winners:
    Clementine Chambon, Oorja Development Solutions Limited (2018)
    Andrew Hopkins, Exscientia Ltd (2017)
    Simon Hirst, Sygnature Discovery (2016)

  • Rising Star in Industry Award
    For individuals who have created significant impact in the chemical industry, in the early stages of their careers
    Past winners:
    Dr Alexander Reip, Oxford nanoSystems Ltd (2019)
    Andrew Pollard, National Physical Laboratory (2018)
    Jeremy Besnard, Exscientia Ltd (2017)

如果您在提名过程中有任何问题或需要任何帮助,请通过邮件:RSCChina@rsc.org 或电话:021 6133 7822与相关工作人员取得联系。


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