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Climate change and marine mass extinction
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-06 , DOI: 10.1126/science.aav736
Lee Kump 1

The end of the Permian Period was catastrophic for life in high-latitude regions Voluminous emissions of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, rapid global warming, and a decline in biodiversity—the storyline is modern, but the setting is ancient: The end of the Permian Period, some 252 million years ago. For the end-Permian, the result was catastrophic: the greatest loss of plant and animal life in Earth history (1). Understanding the details of how this mass extinction played out is thus crucial to its use as an analog for our future. On page 1130 of this issue, Penn et al. (2) add an intriguing clue: The extinction was most severe at high latitudes. Using a state-of-the-art climate model that was interpreted in terms of physiological stress, the authors further identify the killer as hypoxia, which was brought on by warm temperatures and ocean deoxygenation.



二叠纪末期对高纬度地区的生命来说是灾难性的 二氧化碳大量排放到大气中,全球迅速变暖,生物多样性下降——故事情节是现代的,但背景是古老的:二叠纪的终结大约在 2.52 亿年前。对于二叠纪末期,结果是灾难性的:地球历史上动植物生命的最大损失 (1)。因此,了解这次大灭绝如何发生的细节对于将其用作我们未来的模拟至关重要。在本期第 1130 页上,Penn 等人。(2) 增加一个耐人寻味的线索:在高纬度地区灭绝最为严重。使用根据生理压力解释的最先进的气候模型,作者进一步将杀手确定为缺氧,