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Static Collocated Piecewise Fuzzy Control Design of Quasi-Linear Parabolic PDE Systems Subject to Periodic Boundary Conditions
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems ( IF 10.7 ) Pub Date : 11-16-2018 , DOI: 10.1109/tfuzz.2018.2881667
Jun-Wei Wang , Han-Xiong Li

This article focuses on the event-triggered (ET) fuzzy tracking control for uncertain state constrained strict-feedback systems with unknown control directions. A novel nonlinear transformed function is developed to transform the constrained system states into the counterpart without any constraints. An ingenious adaptation law is developed to co-design the control law and the ET rule, thereby effectively compensating the sampling error caused by the ET rule under unknown control directions. Based on the presented adaptation law and the Nussbaum gain technique, a novel ET fuzzy tracking control strategy is proposed, which can handle the situations with and without state constraints in a unified way without readjusting the control scheme. Subsequently, the nonlinear transformed function is extended to the time-varying state constraints, and the corresponding ET fuzzy control scheme is also modified to guarantee the closed-loop boundedness. The proposed two control strategies guarantee the satisfactory tracking performance, avoid the violation of the prescribed state constraints, and decrease the communication load effectively. Finally, the usefulness of the developed methods is verified through two simulation examples.


