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Impact of long bottle aging (10 years) on volatile composition of red wines micro-oxygenated with oak alternatives
LWT - Food Science and Technology ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.lwt.2018.11.049
Maria del Alamo-Sanza , Ignacio Nevares , Ana Martínez-Gil , Pilar Rubio-Bretón , Teresa Garde-Cerdán

The adding of wood pieces together with small amounts of oxygen to simulate the processes for aging red wine in barrels is the most common alternative to oak barrels. The evolution of these wines aged with alternatives in bottle has not been examined in depth as they are considered to be for rapid consumption. This paper presents for the first time the evolution in bottle for 10 years of the same wine aged in oak barrels and subjected to diverse alternative aging processes using different woods. Wines subjected to this alternative have evolved after 10 years in the bottle in a similar way to those aged in barrels. Wines aged in barrels retain significantly higher levels of blue tonalities than those treated with chips + FMOX and the loss of compounds responsible for red is almost double in wines treated with alternatives than in those aged in barrels. Wines aged in barrels showed higher concentrations of cis- and trans-whiskylactones than those treated with alternative products. In both the cis/trans whisky lactone ratio has been around 2 in wines aged in French oak, and over 5 in wines aged in American oak. Adequate oxygen management during treatment with oak alternatives provides long-life wines.



在橡木桶中添加木块和少量氧气以模拟红酒在桶中陈化的过程是最常见的选择。这些带有瓶装替代品陈酿的葡萄酒的演变尚未得到深入研究,因为它们被认为可以快速消费。本文首次介绍了同一葡萄酒在橡木桶中陈化10年后在瓶中的演变过程,并经历了使用不同木材的多种不同陈酿过程。使用这种替代方法的葡萄酒在瓶中陈放十年后,与在桶中陈酿的葡萄酒相似。与用木片+ FMOX处理过的葡萄酒相比,在桶中陈化的葡萄酒中蓝色调的含量要高得多,而经过替代处理的葡萄酒中,造成红色的化合物损失几乎是桶中陈化的葡萄酒的两倍。与其他产品相比,在桶中陈酿的葡萄酒中顺式和反式威士忌内酯的浓度更高。在法国橡木桶陈酿的葡萄酒中,顺式/反式威士忌的内酯比例约为2,而在美国橡木桶陈酿的葡萄酒中,内酯/内酯比例约为5。用橡木替代品处理期间的充足氧气管理可提供长寿命的葡萄酒。在美国橡木桶中陈酿的葡萄酒中有5种以上。用橡木替代品处理期间的充足氧气管理可提供长寿命的葡萄酒。在美国橡木桶中陈酿的葡萄酒中有5种以上。用橡木替代品处理期间的充足氧气管理可提供长寿命的葡萄酒。
