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Acyl thiourea derivatives: A study of crystallographic, bonding, biological and spectral properties
Chemical Physics Letters ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2018.11.020
E. Contreras Aguilar , G.A. Echeverría , O.E. Piro , S.E. Ulic , J.L. Jios , M.E. Tuttolomondo , R.D.I. Molina , M.E. Arena

The study of two new acylthiourea derivatives (Ar-CO-NH-CS-NH-R) are focused on the bonding interactions supported by X-ray, NMR, UV-Vis, Raman and IR spectroscopy, and NBO, AIM and Hirshfeld surface analysis. The RAHB model is proposed to explain some structural properties. The molecules are stabilized by intra-molecular NH···O bonds arranged in the lattice as centre-symmetric dimers held by inter-molecular NH···S bonds. The dimers are linked to each other through NH···O bonds giving rise to a chain, ribbon-like structure in the network. In vitro bacterial growth inhibition, biofilm formation, biosensor and biofilm metabolic activity were tested considering the broad bioactivity of acylthioureas.



