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Independent amplitude approximations in coupled cluster valence bond theory: Incorporation of 3-electron-pair correlation and application to spin frustration in the low-lying excited states of a ferredoxin-type tetrametallic iron-sulfur cluster
The Journal of Chemical Physics ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-08 , DOI: 10.1063/1.5046318
David W. Small 1 , Martin Head-Gordon 1

Coupled cluster valence bond (CCVB) is a simple electronic structure method based on a perfect pairing (PP) reference with 2-pair recouplings for strong electron correlation problems. CCVB is spin-pure, size-consistent, and can exactly (in its active space) separate any molecule into atoms for which unrestricted Hartree-Fock (UHF) at dissociation is the sum of the ground state UHF energies of the atoms. However CCVB is far from a complete description of strong correlations. Its first failure to exactly describe spin-recouplings arises at the level of 3 electron pairs, such as the recoupling of 3 triplet oxygen atoms in the dissociation of singlet ozone. Such situations are often associated with spin frustration. To address this limitation, an extension of CCVB, termed CCVB+i3, is reported here that includes an independent (i) amplitude approximation to the 3-pair recouplings. CCVB+i3 thereby has the same basic computational requirements as those of CCVB, which has previously been shown to be an efficient method. CCVB+i3 correctly separates molecules that CCVB cannot. As a by-product, an independent 2-pair amplitude approximation to CCVB, called PP+i2, is also defined. Remarkably, PP+i2 can also correctly separate systems that CCVB cannot. CCVB+i3 is validated on the symmetric dissociation of D3h ozone. CCVB+i3 is then used to explore the role of 3-pair recouplings in an [Fe4S4(SCH3)4]2− cluster that has been used to model the iron-sulfur core of [Fe4S4] ferredoxins. Using localized PP orbitals, such recouplings are demonstrated to be large in some low-lying singlet excited states of the cluster. Significant 3 pair recoupling amplitudes include the usual triangular motif associated with spin frustration and other geometric arrangements of the 3 entangled pairs across the 4 iron centers.



耦合簇价键(CCVB)是一种基于电子对问题的基于2对耦合的完全配对(PP)参考的简单电子结构方法。CCVB是自旋纯净的,尺寸一致的,并且可以精确地(在其活动空间中)将任何分子分离为原子,对于这些原子,解离时的无限制Hartree-Fock(UHF)是原子的基态UHF能量之和。但是,CCVB远不是完整的强相关性描述。它的第一个未能准确描述自旋耦合的失败源于3个电子对的水平,例如单线态臭氧解离中3个三重态氧原子的重新耦合。这种情况通常与自旋沮丧有关。为了解决此限制,我们对CCVB进行了扩展,称为CCVB + i3,此处报道的信号包括一个独立的(i)3对耦合的幅度近似值。CCVB + i3因此具有与CCVB相同的基本计算要求,而CCVB + i3先前已被证明是一种有效的方法。CCVB + i3可以正确分离CCVB无法分离的分子。作为副产品,还定义了CCVB的独立2对幅度近似值,称为PP + i2。值得注意的是,PP + i2还可以正确分离CCVB无法分离的系统。CCVB + i3在D的对称解离上得到验证 值得注意的是,PP + i2还可以正确分离CCVB无法分离的系统。CCVB + i3在D的对称解离上得到验证 值得注意的是,PP + i2还可以正确分离CCVB无法分离的系统。CCVB + i3在D的对称解离中得到验证臭氧3小时。然后使用CCVB + i3探索3对偶联在[Fe 4 S 4(SCH 34 ] 2−簇中的作用,该簇已用于模拟[Fe 4 S 4 ]铁氧还蛋白的铁硫核。使用局部PP轨道,这种耦合在簇的某些低洼单重态激发态中被证明是很大的。3对重要的耦合幅度包括与旋转挫折感相关的常见三角形图案,以及3个纠缠对在4个铁心上的其他几何排列。