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Efficacy and Safety of Sarilumab for the Treatment of Posterior Segment Noninfectious Uveitis (SARIL-NIU):: The Phase 2 SATURN Study.
Ophthalmology ( IF 13.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2018.09.044
Jarmila Heissigerová 1 , David Callanan 2 , Marc D de Smet 3 , Sunil K Srivastava 4 , Michala Karkanová 5 , Olga Garcia-Garcia 6 , Sibel Kadayifcilar 7 , Yilmaz Ozyazgan 8 , Robert Vitti 9 , Kristine Erickson 9 , Aditya Athanikar 9 , Karen Chu 9 , Namrata Saroj 9 , Preethi A Sundaram 10 , Rafael Varona 10 , Valerie Corp-Dit-Genti 10 , Ronald Buggage 10 , Yenchieh Cheng 9 , Yuhwen Soo 9 , Quan Dong Nguyen 11

PURPOSE To assess efficacy and safety of sarilumab, a human anti-interleukin-6 receptor antibody, for treatment of posterior segment noninfectious uveitis (NIU). DESIGN Randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled, phase 2 study. PARTICIPANTS Fifty-eight patients (eyes) with noninfectious intermediate, posterior, or panuveitis. METHODS Eyes received treatment every 2 weeks for 16 weeks with subcutaneous sarilumab 200 mg or placebo. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES The primary end point was the proportion of patients with ≥2-step reduction in vitreous haze (VH) on the Miami scale or with a reduction of systemic corticosteroids (prednisolone or equivalent) to a dose of <10 mg/day at week 16. Primary end point was based on VH evaluation by a central reading center. Investigator evaluation of VH was a prespecified, planned secondary analysis. RESULTS At week 16, proportion of patients taking sarilumab or placebo with ≥2-step reduction in VH or corticosteroid dose <10 mg/day was 46.1% vs. 30.0% (P = 0.2354) based on central reading center assessment of VH and 64.0% vs. 35.0% (P = 0.0372) based on investigator assessment of VH, respectively. In the subgroup of eyes with VH grade ≥2 at baseline, the mean VH reduction from baseline to week 16 was significantly greater with sarilumab vs. placebo regardless of assessment by the central reading center (-2.1 [n = 11] vs. -1.7 [n = 3], respectively; P = 0.0255) or investigator (-2.5 [n = 19] vs. -1.2 [n = 11], respectively; P = 0.0170). The mean best-corrected visual acuity gain from baseline to week 16 was greater with sarilumab vs. placebo in the overall population (8.9 vs. 3.6 letters, respectively; P = 0.0333) and in the subgroup of eyes with central subfield thickness (CST) ≥300 μm at baseline (12.2 [n = 13] vs. 2.1 [n = 7] letters, respectively; P = 0.0517). Corresponding changes in CST were -46.8 vs. +2.6 μm (P = 0.0683) in the overall population and -112.5 [n = 13] vs. -1.8 [n = 6] μm (P = 0.1317) in the subgroup of eyes with CST ≥300 μm at baseline, respectively. The most common ocular adverse events were worsening of uveitis (0 [placebo] and 3 [sarilumab] patients) and retinal infiltrates (1 [placebo] and 2 [sarilumab] patients). CONCLUSIONS Subcutaneous sarilumab may provide clinical benefits in the management of NIU of the posterior segment, especially in eyes with uveitic macular edema.


Sarilumab治疗后段非感染性葡萄膜炎(SARIL-NIU)的功效和安全性:SATURN 2期研究。

目的评估人抗白细胞介素6受体抗体sarilumab治疗后段非感染性葡萄膜炎(NIU)的疗效和安全性。设计随机,双掩蔽,安慰剂对照的2期研究。参与者58例非感染性中间,后或胰腺炎患者(眼睛)。方法每两周对眼睛进行200周皮下注射sarilumab 200 mg或安慰剂治疗,持续16周。主要观察指标主要终点是在迈阿密范围内玻璃体雾度(VH)≥2步降低或全身性皮质类固醇(泼尼松龙或同等剂量)降低至<10 mg /天的患者比例第16周,主要终点基于中央阅读中心的VH评估。VH的研究者评估是预先确定的,计划中的二次分析。结果在第16周时,根据中央阅读中心对VH和64.0的评估,服用sarilumab或安慰剂且VH≥2步降低或皮质类固醇剂量<10 mg /天的患者比例为46.1%,而同期为30.0%(P = 0.2354)。分别根据VH的研究人员评估得出的百分比对35.0%(P = 0.0372)。在基线时VH≥2的亚组眼中,无论中央阅读中心如何评估,使用sarilumab与安慰剂相比,从基线到第16周的平均VH降低幅度明显更大(-2.1 [n = 11]与-1.7分别为[n = 3]; P = 0.0255)或研究者(分别为-2.5 [n = 19]和-1.2 [n = 11]; P = 0.0170)。sarilumab与安慰剂相比,从基线到第16周的平均最佳矫正视力增益在总人群中更高(分别为8.9个字母和3.6个字母; P = 0。0333)和在基线时中心子场厚度(CST)≥300μm的眼睛亚组(分别为12.2 [n = 13]个字母和2.1 [n = 7]个字母; P = 0.0517)。眼睛亚群中相应的CST变化为-46.8 vs. + 2.6μm(P = 0.0683),而在眼睛亚组中,CST的变化为-112.5 [n = 13] vs -1.8 [n = 6]μm(P = 0.1317)。基线处的CST≥300μm。最常见的眼部不良事件是葡萄膜炎(0例安慰剂和3例sarilumab)和视网膜浸润(1例安慰剂和2例sarilumab)。结论sarilumab皮下注射可为后段NIU的治疗提供临床益处,尤其是葡萄膜黄斑水肿的眼睛。眼睛亚群中相应的CST变化为-46.8 vs. + 2.6μm(P = 0.0683),而在眼睛亚组中,CST的变化为-112.5 [n = 13] vs -1.8 [n = 6]μm(P = 0.1317)。基线处的CST≥300μm。最常见的眼部不良事件是葡萄膜炎(0例安慰剂和3例sarilumab)和视网膜浸润(1例安慰剂和2例sarilumab)。结论皮下注射sarilumab可为后段NIU的治疗提供临床益处,尤其是在葡萄膜黄斑水肿的眼睛中。眼睛亚群中相应的CST变化为-46.8 vs. + 2.6μm(P = 0.0683),而在眼睛亚组中,CST的变化为-112.5 [n = 13] vs -1.8 [n = 6]μm(P = 0.1317)。基线处的CST≥300μm。最常见的眼部不良事件是葡萄膜炎(0例安慰剂和3例sarilumab)和视网膜浸润(1例安慰剂和2例sarilumab)。结论sarilumab皮下注射可为后段NIU的治疗提供临床益处,尤其是葡萄膜黄斑水肿的眼睛。最常见的眼部不良事件是葡萄膜炎(0例安慰剂和3例sarilumab)和视网膜浸润(1例安慰剂和2例sarilumab)。结论sarilumab皮下注射可为后段NIU的治疗提供临床益处,尤其是葡萄膜黄斑水肿的眼睛。最常见的眼部不良事件是葡萄膜炎(0例安慰剂和3例sarilumab)和视网膜浸润(1例安慰剂和2例sarilumab)。结论sarilumab皮下注射可为后段NIU的治疗提供临床益处,尤其是葡萄膜黄斑水肿的眼睛。