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The effects of source and concentration of dietary fiber, starch, and fatty acids on the daily patterns of feed intake, rumination, and rumen pH in dairy cows
Journal of Dairy Science ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-11 , DOI: 10.3168/jds.2018-15071
I.J. Salfer , M.C. Morelli , Y. Ying , M.S. Allen , K.J. Harvatine

The daily patterns of feed intake and rumination influence rumen fermentation, rumen pH, and timing of absorbed nutrients in the dairy cow, but the effects of diet composition on these patterns are not well characterized. Data from 3 previously published experiments were examined to determine the influence of dietary starch, fiber, and fatty acids (FA) on daily patterns of intake, rumination, and rumen pH. Dietary neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and starch were investigated in 2 experiments, each with duplicated 4 × 4 Latin square designs with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments in cows fed cows 1×/d at 1200 and 1400 h, respectively. To investigate fiber content and digestibility in the first experiment, brown midrib or isogenic conventional corn silage were fed in low- and high-NDF diets (29 and 38%, respectively). To investigate starch source and concentration in the second experiment, ground high-moisture corn or dry ground corn were fed in low- and high-starch diets (21 and 32%, respectively). Effect of fat concentration and saturation was investigated in the third experiment using a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design that fed cows 1×/d at 0900 h; treatments included a control diet with no added fat and 2.5% added saturated FA, unsaturated FA, or a mixture of the saturated and unsaturated FA. In the first 2 experiments, intake followed a similar daily pattern regardless of starch and NDF concentration or digestibility. Rumination displayed a treatment by time interaction for both NDF and starch concentration, with high-fiber, low-starch diets causing greater rumination overnight but not midday. High-starch diets decreased total daily rumen pH equally across the day, but did not change the daily pattern. Type of corn silage did not affect the daily patterns of rumination or rumen pH, but pH was reduced throughout the day in brown midrib diets. In the third experiment, no interactions between fatty acid supplement and time of day were observed for intake, rumination, or rumen pH. Within all experiments, rumination fit or tended to fit a 24-h rhythm regardless of diet, with the amplitude of the rumination being reduced in low-starch diets and diets containing saturated FA or a mixture of saturated and unsaturated FA. Overall, intake, rumination, and rumen pH follow a daily pattern that was minimally modified by dietary fiber and starch type and level or fat level and fatty acid profile.



采食和反刍的日常模式会影响瘤胃的发酵,瘤胃的pH值以及奶牛吸收营养的时间,但是日粮组成对这些模式的影响尚不明确。检查了来自3个先前发表的实验的数据,以确定饮食中的淀粉,纤维和脂肪酸(FA)对每日摄入,反刍和瘤胃pH值的影响。在2个实验中研究了膳食中性清洁剂纤维(NDF)和淀粉,每个实验均重复了4×4拉丁方设计,并分别以1200×1400和1400 h对以1×/ d饲喂的奶牛进行了2×2因子分解处理。为了研究第一个实验中的纤维含量和消化率,分别在低和高NDF日粮(分别为29%和38%)中饲喂棕色中肋或等基因的传统玉米青贮饲料。为了在第二个实验中研究淀粉的来源和浓度,分别以低淀粉和高淀粉饮食(分别为21%和32%)饲喂高水分玉米粉或干燥玉米粉。在第三个实验中,使用复制的4×4拉丁方形设计研究了脂肪浓度和饱和度的影响,该设计在0900 h喂牛1x / d。治疗包括不添加脂肪和添加2.5%饱和脂肪酸,不饱和脂肪酸或饱和脂肪酸和不饱和脂肪酸混合物的对照饮食。在前两个实验中,无论淀粉和NDF浓度或消化率如何,摄入量都遵循相似的每日模式。反刍对NDF和淀粉浓度均表现出时间交互作用,高纤维,低淀粉饮食在过夜而不是中午会引起更大的反刍作用。高淀粉饮食全天平均降低每日总瘤胃pH,但没有改变每日模式。玉米青贮饲料的类型不会影响反刍或瘤胃pH值的日常模式,但在棕色中肋饮食中,pH值全天都会降低。在第三个实验中,在摄入,反刍或瘤胃pH值方面,未观察到脂肪酸补充剂与一天中的时间之间的相互作用。在所有实验中,无论饮食如何,反刍动物都适合或倾向于适应24小时节律,在低淀粉饮食和含饱和脂肪酸或饱和脂肪酸与不饱和脂肪酸混合物的饮食中,反刍的幅度会降低。总体而言,摄入,反刍和瘤胃的pH值都遵循每日的规律,而这种规律很少被膳食纤维和淀粉的类型和水平或脂肪水平和脂肪酸状况所改变。玉米青贮饲料的类型不会影响反刍或瘤胃pH值的日常模式,但在棕色中肋饮食中,pH值全天都会降低。在第三个实验中,在摄入,反刍或瘤胃pH值方面,未观察到脂肪酸补充剂与一天中的时间之间的相互作用。在所有实验中,无论饮食如何,反刍动物都适合或倾向于适应24小时节律,在低淀粉饮食和含饱和脂肪酸或饱和脂肪酸与不饱和脂肪酸混合物的饮食中,反刍的幅度会降低。总体而言,摄入,反刍和瘤胃的pH值都遵循日常模式,其日常饮食纤维和淀粉类型,水平或脂肪水平以及脂肪酸状况对这种变化的影响很小。玉米青贮饲料的类型不会影响反刍或瘤胃pH值的日常模式,但在棕色中肋饮食中,pH值全天都会降低。在第三个实验中,在摄入,反刍或瘤胃pH值方面,未观察到脂肪酸补充剂与一天中的时间之间的相互作用。在所有实验中,无论饮食如何,反刍动物都适合或倾向于适应24小时节律,在低淀粉饮食和含饱和脂肪酸或饱和脂肪酸与不饱和脂肪酸混合物的饮食中,反刍的幅度会降低。总体而言,摄入,反刍和瘤胃的pH值都遵循每日的规律,而这种规律很少被膳食纤维和淀粉的类型和水平或脂肪水平和脂肪酸状况所改变。在摄入,反刍或瘤胃pH值方面,没有观察到脂肪酸补充剂与一天中的时间发生相互作用。在所有实验中,无论饮食如何,反刍动物都适合或倾向于适应24小时节律,在低淀粉饮食和含饱和脂肪酸或饱和脂肪酸与不饱和脂肪酸混合物的饮食中,反刍的幅度会降低。总体而言,摄入,反刍和瘤胃的pH值都遵循每日的规律,而这种规律很少被膳食纤维和淀粉的类型和水平或脂肪水平和脂肪酸状况所改变。在摄入,反刍或瘤胃pH值方面,没有观察到脂肪酸补充剂与一天中的时间发生相互作用。在所有实验中,无论饮食如何,反刍动物都适合或倾向于适应24小时节律,在低淀粉饮食和含饱和脂肪酸或饱和脂肪酸与不饱和脂肪酸混合物的饮食中,反刍的幅度会降低。总体而言,摄入,反刍和瘤胃的pH值都遵循每日的规律,而这种规律很少被膳食纤维和淀粉的类型和水平或脂肪水平和脂肪酸状况所改变。在低淀粉饮食和含有饱和脂肪酸或饱和脂肪酸与不饱和脂肪酸混合物的饮食中,反刍作用的幅度会降低。总体而言,摄入,反刍和瘤胃的pH值都遵循每日的规律,而这种规律很少被膳食纤维和淀粉的类型和水平或脂肪水平和脂肪酸状况所改变。在低淀粉饮食和含有饱和脂肪酸或饱和脂肪酸与不饱和脂肪酸混合物的饮食中,反刍作用的幅度会降低。总体而言,摄入,反刍和瘤胃的pH值都遵循每日的规律,而这种规律很少被膳食纤维和淀粉的类型和水平或脂肪水平和脂肪酸状况所改变。
