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Geological reconstructions of the East Asian blocks: From the breakup of Rodinia to the assembly of Pangea
Earth-Science Reviews ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2018.10.003
Guochun Zhao , Yuejun Wang , Baochun Huang , Yunpeng Dong , Sanzhong Li , Guowei Zhang , Shan Yu

Abstract Pangea is the youngest supercontinent in Earth's history and its main body formed by assembly of Gondwana and Laurasia about 300–250 Ma ago. As supported by voluminous evidence from reliable geological, paleomagnetic and paleontological data, configurations of major continental blocks in Pangea have been widely accepted. However, controversy has long surrounded the reconstructions of East Asian blocks in Pangea. To determine whether or not the East Asian blocks were assembled to join Pangea before its breakup, we carried out geological and paleomagnetic investigations on East Asian blocks and associated orogenic belts, supported by a NSFC Major Program entitle “Reconstructions of East Asian blocks in Pangea”. Our results indicate that the breakup of Rodinia around 750 Ma ago led to the opening of the Proto-Tethys and Paleo-Asian oceans in East Asia, with the former separating the South China, North China, Alex Qaidam and Tarim blocks from other East Asian blocks at the margins of Australia and India, whereas the Paleo-Asian Ocean existed between the East Asian blocks and Siberia-Eastern Europe. The Proto-Tethys Ocean closed in the early Paleozoic (500–420 Ma), leading to the collision of South China, North China, Alex, Qaidam and Tarim with other East Asian blocks at the northern margin of Gondwana. The subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean formed the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, the largest accretionary orogen in Earth's history, and its closure was diachronous, with its western, central and eastern segments closing at 310–280 Ma, 280–265 Ma and 260–245 Ma, respectively, leading the Tarim, Alex and North China blocks to join Eastern Europe-Siberia as part of Pangea. During the early Devonian (420–380 ma), the East Paleo-Tethys Ocean opened with two branches, of which the north branch is called the Mianlue Ocean that separated the Tarim-Qaidam-Central Qilian-Alex and North China blocks in the north from North Qiangtang-Indochina-South China in the south, and the south branch is the stricto sensu East Paleo-Tethys Ocean that separated North Qiangtang-Indochina-South China from the Sibumasu and South Qiangtang-Lhasa blocks at the northern margin of Gondwana. In the Triassic, the East Paleo-Tethys Ocean (stricto sensu) closed along the Longmu Co – Shuanghu – Changning – Menglian – Inthanon belt, leading to the collision of North Qiangtang-Indochina-South China with Sibumasu and South Qiangtang-Lhasa, forming a single southern continent, which then collided with the Tarim-Qaidam-Central Qilian-Alex and North China blocks to form a coherent East Asian continent that had become part of Pangea by 220 Ma, when the Mianlue Ocean closed, leading to the formation of the E-W-trending Central China Orogenic System.



摘要 盘古大陆是地球历史上最年轻的超大陆,其主体是在大约 300-250 Ma 前由冈瓦纳大陆和劳亚大陆组装而成。大量可靠的地质、古地磁和古生物数据证据支持,盘古大陆主要陆块的构造已被广泛接受。然而,长期以来,围绕在盘古地区重建东亚区块的争议一直存在。为确定东亚区块在分裂前是否聚集并加入盘古大陆,我们在国家自然科学基金“盘古东亚区块重建”重大项目的支持下,对东亚区块及相关造山带进行了地质和古地磁调查. 我们的研究结果表明,大约 750 Ma 前罗迪尼亚的分裂导致了东亚原始特提斯洋和古亚洲洋的开放,前者将华南、华北、亚历克斯柴达木和塔里木地块与其他东亚地区分开。澳大利亚和印度边缘的陆块,而东亚陆块和西伯利亚-东欧之间则存在古亚洲洋。原特提斯洋在早古生代(500~420 Ma)闭合,导致冈瓦纳大陆北缘的华南、华北、亚历克斯、柴达木和塔里木与其他东亚陆块发生碰撞。古亚洲洋的俯冲形成了地球历史上最大的增生造山带——中亚造山带,其闭合是历时性的,西段、中段和东段闭合于310-280 Ma,分别为280-265 Ma和260-245 Ma,引领塔里木、亚历克斯和华北区块加入东欧-西伯利亚,成为盘古大陆的一部分。早泥盆世(420~380 ma),东古特提斯洋有两条支流打开,其中北支称为棉略洋,将塔里木-柴达木-中祁连-亚历克斯和华北地块分隔开在北部南起北羌塘-印度支那-华南,南支是严格意义上的古特提斯洋,将北羌塘-印度支那-华南与冈瓦纳北缘的锡布马苏和南羌塘-拉萨地块分隔开来。三叠纪,东古特提斯洋(严格意义上)沿龙木错—双湖—长宁—孟连—茵他侬带闭合,