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Ionic conductivity of space charge layers in acceptor doped ceria
Journal of the European Ceramic Society ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2018.08.046
Dries Van Laethem , Johan Deconinck , Annick Hubin

The ionic conductivity of acceptor doped ceria is strongly influenced by grain boundaries and interfaces. Most experiments show a decrease in ionic conductivity and an increase in electronic conductivity in these regions. Classical models explain this observation by the formation of space charge layers that are depleted of mobile ionic charge carriers and enriched in small polarons. However, some experiments demonstrate an increase in ionic conductivity and recent models show that the space charge layers can also be enriched in mobile ionic species. Because of these contradictions, it is still not clear whether nanocrystalline or thin film ceria can offer superior ionic conductivity or not. To aid this debate, we calculate the ionic conductivity of yttrium doped ceria in regions of net charge density using kinetic Monte Carlo simulations. Through an appropriate choice of the charge densities, these calculations allow to demarcate the possible conductivity gains from space charge layers.



