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Extrusion cooking of cassava-soy flour with 200 g/kg wheat bran promotes slower oral processing during consumption of the instant porridge and higher derived satiety
LWT - Food Science and Technology ( IF 6 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.lwt.2018.07.068
Dolapo A. Oladiran , Mohammed N. Emmambux , Henriëtte L. de Kock

In this study, the descriptive sensory attributes, oral processing characteristics of and subjective satiety responses for extrusion cooked cassava-soy porridge with wheat bran at 0, 100 and 200 g/kg addition levels were determined. Fifteen subjects (23–47 years, mean BMI 22.6 kg/m2) consumed 250 g of each porridge type over 8 breakfast meals while being video recorded. Oral exposure time and number of bites, and eating and bite rates were determined. Subjects rated hunger, fullness and desire to eat before meal, post meal and periodically over 3 h post consumption. A separate panel profiled the descriptive sensory attributes of the porridges. The addition of wheat bran increased visually perceived viscosity and presence of visible particles. The porridge with 200 g/kg wheat bran was eaten with more bites and at a slower rate thus, having longer oro-sensory exposure. Also, the porridge with 200 g/kg wheat bran led to greater reduction in subjective reported hunger compared to the other porridges. Wheat bran as a source of dietary fibre has the potential to be incorporated as a component of extruded starch-rich foods to produce instant products which can promote satiety.


木薯大豆粉与200 g / kg麦麸的挤压烹饪可促进速溶粥食用期间口服过程的缓慢和较高的饱腹感

在这项研究中,确定了添加0、100和200 g / kg麦麸挤压煮熟的木薯-大豆粥的描述性感官属性,口服加工特性和主观饱腹感。15名受试者(23-47岁,平均BMI 22.6 kg / m 2)在录制视频的同时,在8顿早餐中消耗了250克每种稀饭。确定了口腔暴露时间和叮咬次数,以及进食和叮咬率。受试者对饥饿,饱腹和进餐前,进餐后以及进食后3小时内定期进食的愿望进行了评估。一个单独的面板描述了粥的描述性感官属性。麦麸的添加增加了视觉感知的粘度和可见颗粒的存在。含200 g / kg麦麸的粥吃得更多,咬伤的速度也更慢,因此口感时间更长。此外,与其他粥相比,麦麸含量为200 g / kg的粥导致主观饥饿感的降低更大。
