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Salvia verticillata : Linking glandular trichomes, volatiles and pollinators
Phytochemistry ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2018.07.016
Claudia Giuliani , Roberta Ascrizzi , Daniela Lupi , Giacomo Tassera , Laura Santagostini , Manuela Giovanetti , Guido Flamini , Gelsomina Fico

Plants have developed a plethora of signals to interact with other organisms, finally building up a sophisticate language for communication. In this context, we investigated Salvia verticillata L. (Lamiaceae), with the primary goal to link secondary metabolites and actual biotic relationships. We specifically analysed the volatile organic compounds (VOC) spontaneously emitted by leaves and flowers and determined the composition of the essential oils obtained from the aerial parts across 2015 and 2016. We merged information of chemical analyses to a micromorphological investigation on the glandular indumentum and to focal observations on the pollinator assemblage. The VOC profiles were highly variable, with the floral bouquet being the most complex. Flowers and leaves showed 37 and 20 exclusive compounds, dominated by 1,8-cineole (10.4%) and germacrene D (38.4%), respectively. Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons prevailed (83.3% leaves; 73.7% flowers) and 19 common compounds were detected. The oil profiles proved to be consistent across the two years: sesquiterpene hydrocarbons invariably dominated, with germacrene D, bicyclogermacrene and β-caryophyllene as main compounds. The whole plant epidermis is thickly covered by two types of glandular hairs: peltates and small capitates, both responsible for the synthesis of terpenes, finally resulting in the VOC emission and in the essential oil production. S. verticillata attracted mainly bees belonging to two functional groups: medium-sized and large bees, notwithstanding the small size of its flowers. At the site, Apis mellifera and different Bombus species were recorded, mainly interested in feeding on nectar. The literature survey on the isolated volatile compounds confirmed the hypotheses on the seduction strategies towards Apoidea.


Salvia verticillata : 连接腺毛状体、挥发物和传粉者

植物已经开发出大量信号与其他生物相互作用,最终建立了一种复杂的交流语言。在这种情况下,我们研究了轮叶鼠尾草(唇形科),主要目标是将次生代谢物与实际生物关系联系起来。我们专门分析了叶子和花朵自发释放的挥发性有机化合物 (VOC),并确定了 2015 年和 2016 年从地上部分获得的精油的成分。对传粉者组合的重点观察。VOC 曲线变化很大,其中花香最为复杂。花和叶显示出 37 和 20 种独特的化合物,主要是 1,8-桉树脑 (10. 4%) 和锗烯 D (38.4%)。倍半萜碳氢化合物占主导地位(83.3% 的叶子;73.7% 的花)并检测到 19 种常见化合物。两年来的石油概况证明是一致的:倍半萜烃始终占主导地位,以锗烯 D、双环锗烯和 β-石竹烯为主要化合物。整个植物表皮被两种类型的腺毛厚厚覆盖:盾状和小头状,两者都负责萜烯的合成,最终导致 VOC 排放和精油生产。S. verticillata 主要吸引属于两个功能组的蜜蜂:中型和大型蜜蜂,尽管它的花很小。在现场,记录了蜜蜂和不同种类的熊蜂,主要以花蜜为食。