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Future of Venus Research and Exploration
Space Science Reviews ( IF 9.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s11214-018-0528-z
Lori S. Glaze , Colin F. Wilson , Liudmila V. Zasova , Masato Nakamura , Sanjay Limaye

Despite the tremendous progress that has been made since the publication of the Venus II book in 1997, many fundamental questions remain concerning Venus’ history, evolution and current geologic and atmospheric processes. The international science community has taken several approaches to prioritizing these questions, either through formal processes like the Planetary Decadal Survey in the United States and the Cosmic Vision in Europe, or informally through science definition teams utilized by Japan, Russia, and India. These questions are left to future investigators to address through a broad range of research approaches that include Earth-based observations, laboratory and modeling studies that are based on existing data, and new space flight missions. Many of the highest priority questions for Venus can be answered with new measurements acquired by orbiting or in situ missions that use current technologies, and several plausible implementation concepts have been studied and proposed for flight. However, observations needed to address some science questions pose substantial technological challenges, for example, long term survival on the surface of Venus and missions that require surface or controlled aerial mobility. Missions enabled by investments in these technologies will open the door to completely new ways of exploring Venus to provide unique insights into Venus’s past and the processes at work today.



尽管自 1997 年金星 II 一书出版以来取得了巨大进步,但关于金星的历史、演化以及当前的地质和大气过程,许多基本问题仍然存在。国际科学界采取了多种方法来确定这些问题的优先顺序,或者通过美国的行星十年调查和欧洲的宇宙愿景等正式程序,或者通过日本、俄​​罗斯和印度使用的科学定义团队非正式地进行。这些问题留给未来的研究人员通过广泛的研究方法解决,包括基于现有数据的地球观测、实验室和建模研究以及新的太空飞行任务。金星的许多最高优先级问题可以通过使用当前技术的轨道飞行或原位飞行任务获得的新测量结果来回答,并且已经研究并提出了几个可行的飞行实施概念。然而,解决一些科学问题所需的观测带来了巨大的技术挑战,例如金星表面的长期生存以及需要地面或受控空中机动性的任务。通过对这些技术的投资实现的任务将为探索金星的全新方式打开大门,以提供对金星过去和当今工作过程的独特见解。解决一些科学问题所需的观测带来了巨大的技术挑战,例如金星表面的长期生存以及需要地面或受控空中机动性的任务。通过对这些技术的投资实现的任务将为探索金星的全新方式打开大门,以提供对金星过去和当今工作过程的独特见解。解决一些科学问题所需的观测带来了巨大的技术挑战,例如金星表面的长期生存以及需要地面或受控空中机动性的任务。通过对这些技术的投资实现的任务将为探索金星的全新方式打开大门,以提供对金星过去和当今工作过程的独特见解。