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Late Quaternary environmental dynamics in Lenin Peak area (Pamir Mountains, Kyrgyzstan)
Science of the Total Environment ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.07.178
M. Oliva , J. Ruiz-Fernández

The Pamir Mountains include peaks exceeding 7000 m, such as Lenin Peak (7134 m) in the northern Zaalai Range. Here, we examine the distribution of soils and geomorphological processes and landforms in its northern slope, from the highest glaciated environments until Alai valley floor. We present the first geomorphological map of the study area as well as an accurate description the main geomorphological units in order to reconstruct landscape dynamics in the area from Quaternary cold stages until present-day. Five main units are distributed: (1) valley floor (2900–3040 m), an area that must have been ice-free during Quaternary glaciations and is currently being reshaped by glaciofluvial processes, with a large alluvial fan reworked by aeolian activity; (2) hummocky terrain (3040–3500 m) including two moraine systems left by a piedmont glacier during the Last Glaciation as well as hilly deposits originated by a catastrophic rockfall event; (3) U-shaped glacial valley (3500–3800 m), including some moraine ridges as well as a sedimentary cover composed of glacial till that is being eroded by fluvial and mass-wasting processes; (4) high mountain valleys (up to 4600–4800 m) adjacent to the main valley floor with small cirque and alpine glaciers and widespread periglacial processes in ice-free environments; (5) glaciers flowing from the Lenin Peak summit until the foot of the mountain, where they form a debris-covered (surge-type) glacier. The existence of abundant glacial, periglacial and rockfall deposits (moraines, till, erratic boulders) allows inferring five different environmental stages since the Last Glaciation. The latest glacial advances took place during the 20th century and the Little Ice Age and deposited two moraine systems near the glacial front. The occurrence of active rock glaciers and protalus lobes indicates that the limit of permafrost conditions is now located at 3400–3500 m, with seasonal frozen ground in lower areas.



帕米尔山脉包括超过7000 m的山峰,例如Zaalai山脉北部的列宁峰(7134 m)。在这里,我们研究了从最高冰川环境到阿来谷底的北坡土壤,地貌过程和地貌的分布。我们提出了研究区域的第一张地貌图,并准确描述了主要地貌单位,以便重建从第四纪冷期到今天的区域景观动态。分布了五个主要单元:(1)谷底(2900–3040 m),该区域在第四纪冰川期间必须无冰,并且目前正在通过冰川河流过程进行整形,并配有大型冲积扇通过风沙活动重做;(2)丘陵地带(3040–3500 m),包括上一次冰川期间山前冰川留下的两个ora系统,以及由灾难性崩塌事件引起的丘陵沉积;(3)U形冰川谷(3500–3800 m),包括一些冰山脊以及由冰川构成的沉积覆盖物,这些沉积物被河流冲刷并大量浪费。过程;(4)与主要山谷底部相邻的高山山谷(高达4600–4800 m),其中有小型圆形冰河和高山冰川,并且在无冰环境中存在广泛的冰缘过程;(5)从列宁峰山顶一直流到山脚的冰川,在那里形成碎屑覆盖(激增型)冰川。上一次冰川期以来,大量的冰川,周缘冰川和碎石沉积物(冰山,直到岩石不稳定)的存在可以推断出五个不同的环境阶段。最新的冰川发展发生在20世纪和小冰河时期,并在冰川前沿附近沉积了两个冰ora系统。活跃的岩石冰川和前陆叶的出现表明了多年冻土的极限 现在的条件是3400-3500 m,季节性冻土在较低的区域。
