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Evaluation of lipid peroxidation and the level of some elements in rat erythrocytes during separate and combined vanadium and magnesium administration
Chemico-Biological Interactions ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cbi.2018.07.014
Agnieszka Ścibior , Agnieszka Adamczyk , Dorota Gołębiowska , Joanna Kurus

The impact of vanadium (V) and magnesium (Mg) as sodium metavanadate (SMV, 0.125 mg V/ml) and magnesium sulfate (MS, 0.06 mg Mg/ml) on lipid peroxidation (LPO) and selected elements in the rat erythrocytes (RBCs) was investigated. Relationships between some indices determined in RBC were also studied. SMV alone (Group II) elevated the malondialdehyde level (MDARBC) (by 95% and 60%), compared with the control (Group I) and MS-supplemented rats (Group III), respectively, reduced the concentration of CuRBC (by 23.5%), in comparison with Group I, but did not change the levels of NaRBC, KRBC, and CaRBC, whereas MS alone (Group III) only reduced the CuRBC concentration (by 22%), compared with Group I. The SMV + MS combination (Group IV) reduced and elevated the CuRBC (by 24%) and CaRBC (by 111%) concentrations, respectively, in comparison with Groups I and III, and these changes were induced by the V-Mg antagonistic and synergistic interaction, respectively. The combined SMV + MS effect also enhanced the MDARBC level, compared with Groups I (by 79%) and III (by 47%) and slightly limited its concentration, compared with Group II, which, in turn, resulted from the distinct trend toward the V-Mg antagonistic interaction. We can conclude that V (as SMV) is able to stimulate LPO in rat RBCs and that V-Mg interactive effects are involved in changes in CuRBC, CaRBC, and MDARBC. Further studies are needed to elucidate the exact mechanisms of the V-Mg antagonistic/synergistic interactions and to provide insight into the biochemical mechanisms of changes in rats suffering from anemia [1], characterized by a disrupted antioxidant barrier in RBCs [2] and an intensified free radical process in these cells.



钒(V)和镁(Mg)作为偏钒酸钠(SMV,0.125 mg V / ml)和硫酸镁(MS,0.06 mg Mg / ml)对脂质过氧化(LPO)和大鼠红细胞中某些元素的影响(红细胞)进行了调查。还研究了在RBC中确定的一些指标之间的关系。单独的SMV(第II组)与对照(第I组)和补充MS的大鼠(第III组)相比,分别提高了丙二醛水平(MDA RBC)(分别为95%和60%),降低了Cu RBC的浓度(与第一组相比,降低了23.5%),但没有改变Na RBC,K RBC和Ca RBC的水平,而仅MS(第三组)仅降低了Cu RBC与第I组相比,SMV + MS组合(第IV组)的浓度降低了(22%),与第I组和第I组相比,Cu RBC(降低了24%)和Ca RBC(提高了111%)浓度。 III,这些变化分别是由V-Mg的拮抗作用和协同作用引起的。SMV + MS的综合作用也比I组(III%)和III组(47%)提高了MDA RBC水平,与II组相比,其浓度略有限制,这又是由明显的趋势造成的对V-Mg的拮抗作用。我们可以得出结论,V(作为SMV)能够刺激大鼠RBC中的LPO,并且V-Mg相互作用作用与Cu RBC,Ca RBC的变化有关。和MDA RBC。需要进一步的研究以阐明V-Mg拮抗/协同相互作用的确切机制,并提供对患贫血大鼠变化的生化机制的见解[1],其特征是RBC中的抗氧化屏障被破坏[2]和增强了这些细胞的自由基过程。
