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Phenolic acids profile, nutritional and phytochemical compounds, antioxidant properties in colored barley grown in southern Italy
Food Research International ( IF 7.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2018.06.072
Serafino Suriano , Anna Iannucci , Pasquale Codianni , Clara Fares , Mario Russo , Nicola Pecchioni , Ugo Marciello , Michele Savino

Free, soluble conjugated, and insoluble bound phenolic acids and some of the main antioxidant phytochemicals (i.e., total polyphenols, proanthocyanidins, carotenoids) were investigated in 20 genotypes of colored barley. These included 16F8 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) obtained from crosses of four parental lines: ‘2005 FG’, ‘K4-31, ‘L94’, and ‘Priora’. The aim of this work was these to promote the introduction of new barley genotypes with high contents of such natural antioxidants, and of dietary fiber. These new genotypes will enlarge the market of novel functional foods. Large variations were seen in the contents of phytochemicals and β-glucans across these barley genotypes. The highest protein (14.4%) and β-glucan (4.6%) contents were in the blue naked parental genotype ‘2005 FG’. Overall, insoluble bound phenolic acids represented 88.3% of the total phenolic acids, and ferulic acid was the main conjugated phenolic acid. Salicylic and gallic acids were the most represented among the free phenolic acids, with no p-coumaric and cinnamic acids detected. Total polyphenols and proanthocyanidins were highest in the RILs ‘3009′ (2917 μg g−1) and ‘1997′ (1630 μg g−1). The barley line with high total polyphenols (RIL ‘3009′) also showed the highest antioxidant capacities (by both DPPH and ABTS methods: 13.4 μmol g−1 and 15.6 μmol g−1, respectively). Among the RILs examined, ‘3004′, ‘3008′, and ‘3009′ showed 30% higher antioxidant capacities than their parentals, thus providing potential health-promoting benefits.



研究了20种基因型大麦中游离,可溶的共轭和不可溶的结合酚酸和一些主要的抗氧化剂植物化学物质(即总多酚,原花色素,类胡萝卜素)。这些包括从四个亲本系的杂交获得的16F8重组自交系(RIL):'2005 FG','K4-31,'L94'和'Priora'。这项工作的目的是为了促进引入这种天然抗氧化剂和膳食纤维含量高的新大麦基因型。这些新的基因型将扩大新型功能性食品的市场。在这些大麦基因型中,植物化学物质和β-葡聚糖的含量差异很大。蓝色裸亲本基因型“ 2005 FG”中蛋白质(14.4%)和β-葡聚糖(4.6%)含量最高。总体而言,不溶性结合酚酸表示88。总酚酸占3%,而阿魏酸是主要的共轭酚酸。水杨酸和没食子酸在游离酚酸中含量最高,没有检测到香豆酸和肉桂酸。总多酚和原花色素是在重组自交系“3009'最高(2917微克克-1)和” 1997'(1630微克克-1)。总多酚含量较高的大麦系(RIL'3009')也显示出最高的抗氧化能力(通过DPPH和ABTS方法:分别为13.4μmolg -1和15.6μmolg -1)。在所检查的RIL中,“ 3004”,“ 3008”和“ 3009”的抗氧化能力比其父母高30%,因此具有潜在的促进健康的作用。
