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Nanocellulose as a natural source for groundbreaking applications in materials science: Today’s state
Materials Today ( IF 24.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mattod.2018.02.001
Dieter Klemm , Emily D. Cranston , Dagmar Fischer , Miguel Gama , Stephanie A. Kedzior , Dana Kralisch , Friederike Kramer , Tetsuo Kondo , Tom Lindström , Sandor Nietzsche , Katrin Petzold-Welcke , Falk Rauchfuß

Abstract Nanocelluloses are natural materials with at least one dimension in the nano-scale. They combine important cellulose properties with the features of nanomaterials and open new horizons for materials science and its applications. The field of nanocellulose materials is subdivided into three domains: biotechnologically produced bacterial nanocellulose hydrogels, mechanically delaminated cellulose nanofibers, and hydrolytically extracted cellulose nanocrystals. This review article describes today’s state regarding the production, structural details, physicochemical properties, and innovative applications of these nanocelluloses. Promising technical applications including gels/foams, thickeners/stabilizers as well as reinforcing agents have been proposed and research from last five years indicates new potential for groundbreaking innovations in the areas of cosmetic products, wound dressings, drug carriers, medical implants, tissue engineering, food and composites. The current state of worldwide commercialization and the challenge of reducing nanocellulose production costs are also discussed.



摘要 纳米纤维素是具有至少一维纳米尺度的天然材料。它们将重要的纤维素特性与纳米材料的特性相结合,为材料科学及其应用开辟了新的视野。纳米纤维素材料领域细分为三个领域:生物技术生产的细菌纳米纤维素水凝胶、机械分层的纤维素纳米纤维和水解提取的纤维素纳米晶体。这篇综述文章描述了当今关于这些纳米纤维素的生产、结构细节、物理化学特性和创新应用的状态。有前景的技术应用,包括凝胶/泡沫,已经提出了增稠剂/稳定剂以及增强剂,过去五年的研究表明,化妆品、伤口敷料、药物载体、医疗植入物、组织工程、食品和复合材料领域具有突破性创新的新潜力。还讨论了全球商业化的现状和降低纳米纤维素生产成本的挑战。