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A review of experimental studies of the role of free-radicals in polyethylene oxidation
Polymer Degradation and Stability ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2018.07.011
Pierangiola Bracco , Luigi Costa , Maria Paola Luda , Norman Billingham

This paper reviews current understanding of the role of free radicals in the oxidation of polyethylene induced by high-energy irradiation (gamma or e-beam). To evaluate the reactivity, stability and mobility of different macroradicals, their reactions after gamma irradiation of different polyethylenes (LDPE, LLDPE, VLLDPE, HDPE, UHMWPE) are considered. Macroradicals are formed in all phases of PE (crystalline, amorphous and interphase). Their overall determination is possible only if both irradiation and detection are carried out at 100 K, or below. At this temperature, the most abundant macroradical formed is the secondary alkyl macroradical (R’’°). On gradually raising the temperature, the macroradicals decay with formation of vinylene double bonds and molecular hydrogen. At room temperature, the macroradical concentration is about 4% of the original quantity at 100 K for LDPE and around 15% for HDPE. In HDPE and UHMWPE; the macroradicals are mainly present in the crystalline phase and in short times (hours) they migrate to the amorphous phase. In LDPE and LLDPE macroradicals are mainly allylic, present in minimal amounts at the crystalline-amorphous interphase. In the nearly fully amorphous VLDPE no residual macroradicals can be detected at room temperature.

The mobility of R’’° is variable and is a function of the mobility of the polymer backbone, slow in the crystalline phase, relatively fast in the amorphous phase. Kinetic stability, or persistence, is often more important than thermodynamic stability in determining radical lifetimes, in particular for radical processes in the solid phase. Alkyl macroradicals react with chain imperfections, additives and oxygen, in a cyclic process involving initiation, propagation and termination reactions. The initiation reactions form macroradicals by cleavage of the C-H bonds of PE, induced by irradiation or by photo- or thermal-scission of peroxides formed during processing of the polymer. Propagation involves the reaction of R’’° with vinyl or vinylidene double bonds, with the formation of a new radical, in competition with their reaction with oxygen to form various oxidation products (ketones, hydroperoxides acids, alcohols and esters). It is notable that the formation of ketones does not necessarily require decomposition of the hydroperoxides. In the presence of stabilizing additives, radicals react with the additive (ADH), with the formation of a more kinetically stable radical (AD°), which considerably decreases the propagation rate, but a termination reaction between R’’° and AD° may also be envisaged.

It is observed that radiation-induced oxidation has a constant rate during irradiation. Post-irradiation, the oxidation occurs via transfer of the macroradicals from the crystalline phase and the interphase to the amorphous phase, where oxygen is available, and the rate decreases, approaching zero. The occurrence of termination is apparent. Termination must occur through the reaction of two macroradicals. The reaction between two R’’° is difficult, due to steric hindrance. The most probable reaction is that between peroxy macroradicals (ROO°), fixed in position on the polymer chain and R’’°, which migrate through the polymer bulk. This reaction is difficult to confirm experimentally because of the lack of reliable analytical methods for ROOR species in the presence of ROOH.

The formation reactions of the different oxidation products are reported and the branching reactions occurring in thermal and photo-oxidation are also discussed.



本文回顾了当前对自由基在高能辐照(γ或电子束)诱导的聚乙烯氧化中的作用的理解。为了评估不同大基团的反应性,稳定性和迁移率,考虑了它们在不同聚乙烯(LDPE,LLDPE,VLLDPE,HDPE,UHMWPE)进行γ射线辐照后的反应。在PE的所有相(结晶相,非晶相和中间相)中均形成大自由基。仅当在100 K或更低的温度下进行照射和检测时,才有可能对它们进行总体确定。在此温度下,形成的最丰富的大自由基是仲烷基大自由基(R''°)。随着温度的逐渐升高,大分子自由基随着亚乙烯基双键和分子氢的形成而衰减。在室温下,对于LDPE,在100 K时,宏观自由基浓度约为原始量的4%,对于HDPE,约为15%。在HDPE和UHMWPE中;大自由基主要存在于结晶相中,并在短时间内(数小时)迁移至非晶相。在LDPE和LLDPE中,大基团主要是烯丙基的,在结晶-非晶相间存在的量很少。在几乎完全非晶的VLDPE中,在室温下无法检测到残留的大自由基。



