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Mapping of paleo residual oil zones on the NCS and the potential for production by CO2-EOR
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2018.06.005
Per E.S. Bergmo , Alv-Arne Grimstad , Kuncho Kurtev

Existence of paleo residual oil zones (PROZ) on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) has been observed in a number of exploration wells where thickness of the PROZ vary between a few meters and several hundred meters. In a study for Statoil the existence and extent of resources in PROZs have been mapped, and the potential for CO2-EOR in these zones investigated. The main objective of the study was to reveal the magnitude of the resources, how and how much of the PROZ oil that can be recovered and how much CO2 that can be stored. Knowledge of these issues will be important both for management of the petroleum production on the NCS and for future CO2 storage operations.

The study has identified 20 Statoil-operated fields with indications of a PROZ below the oil-water contact (OWC). Estimates of in-place volumes are presented for each of the fields, adding up to a total amount of PROZ oil in the identified fields in the order of 1 GSm3. Simulation of tertiary CO2-EOR on naturally water-flooded oil reservoirs with an underlying PROZ has been performed on generic North Sea oil reservoir models to investigate the potential for oil recovery from PROZs. CO2 storage capacity for the identified fields has been estimated based on results from the simulations.


NCS上的古残留油区图和CO 2 -EOR的生产潜力

挪威大陆架(NCS)上存在古残余油区(PROZ),在许多勘探井中,PROZ的厚度在几米到几百米之间变化。在对挪威国家石油公司的研究中,已经绘制了PROZ中资源的存在和程度,并研究了这些区域中CO 2 -EOR的潜力。该研究的主要目的是揭示资源的规模,可回收的PROZ油的数量和量以及可存储的CO 2的量。了解这些问题对于NCS上的石油生产管理和未来的CO 2储存操作都将非常重要。

该研究已经确定了20个由挪威国家石油公司(Statoil)经营的油田,其迹象表明油水接触面(OWC)下方的PROZ。给出了每个油田的就地体积估计值,在已识别的油田中总计PROZ油总量约为1 GSm 3。已经在通用的北海油藏模型上对天然水驱油藏和潜在的PROZ进行了三次CO 2 -EOR的模拟,以研究从PROZs采油的潜力。基于模拟的结果,已估算出已识别字段的CO 2储存容量。
