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Spatial Modelling of the Regulating Function of the Huangqihai Lake Wetland Ecosystem
Journal of Hydrology ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.07.017
Yicheng Fu , Jinyong Zhao , Wenqi Peng , Guoping Zhu , Zhanjun Quan , Chunhui Li

Abstract The regulating function is the least understood but probably most valuable service provided by an ecosystem. To estimate the impact of externalities on the regulating function of a wetland, we modelled the interdependence between activities that affect wetland characteristics and land utilization patterns. Nature-based solutions (NBS) can provide benefits for society, the economy and nature. The NBS solution for wetland bioremediation is proposed through a combination of ecosystem value provided by nature-based or artificial arable land. We constructed a model to simulate the dynamic spatial and temporal changes in the regulating function of a wetland to study the impact of agricultural and fishing activities on the functions and services of a wetland ecosystem. The model was used to determine the relationship between land use change, wetland range, water quality, and fish stocks. Huangqihai Lake (HQHL) is a relatively isolated lake in an area interlaced with agriculture and pasture zones. From 1973 to 2014, the “shrinkage” of the water area of HQHL approached 60%. Under the influence of humans and natural disturbances, the HQHL wetland faced enormous ecological risks, water pollution, area reduction, sharp biodiversity reduction, and fish extinction. The phosphorus (P) concentration seems to be a key factor affecting both the reed growth in the nearshore areas of the Huangqihai Lake wetland and the breeding of phytoplankton in the core lake water area. Dividing this value by the 25,821 ha of the core wetland area affected by the reclamation, the cost per unit of lost fish production is USD$166/ha/yr. After deducting the externalities of the fishery, the net sustainable income from the conversion is USD$1717/ha. The spatial distribution of nutrient load externalities varies with the use of wetlands. In terms of fishery value, the additional nutrient load associated with the conversion of wetland uses would result in a reduction of at least 8% of the maximum sustainable yield. The conversion of wetland uses resulted in the loss of nutrient buffering functions. To compensate for the farmland's nutrient load buffer service, the government should provide arable land farmers USD$8.1 M/yr. It is theoretically feasible to implement an ecosystem service payment system that can effectively compensate for the loss of nutrient buffer function caused by the conversion of wetlands. The approach based on BNS we described may also have value in other ecosystems where regulatory functions include similar mechanisms.



摘要 调节功能是生态系统提供的最不为人知但可能最有价值的服务。为了估计外部性对湿地调节功能的影响,我们模拟了影响湿地特征和土地利用模式的活动之间的相互依存关系。基于自然的解决方案 (NBS) 可以为社会、经济和自然带来好处。湿地生物修复的 NBS 解决方案是通过结合自然或人工耕地提供的生态系统价值提出的。我们构建了一个模型来模拟湿地调节功能的动态时空变化,以研究农业和渔业活动对湿地生态系统功能和服务的影响。该模型用于确定土地利用变化之间的关系,湿地范围、水质和鱼类种群。黄旗海湖(HQHL)是一个相对孤立的湖泊,与农牧区交错。1973年至2014年,HQHL水域“缩水”接近60%。在人类和自然干扰的影响下,HQHL湿地面临着巨大的生态风险,水污染,面积减少,生物多样性急剧减少,鱼类灭绝。磷(P)浓度似乎是影响黄旗海湖湿地近岸地区芦苇生长和核心湖水区浮游植物繁殖的关键因素。将此值除以受开垦影响的核心湿地面积 25,821 公顷,每单位鱼类产量损失的成本为 166 美元/公顷/年。扣除渔业的外部性后,转换的可持续净收入为 1717 美元/公顷。养分负荷外部性的空间分布随着湿地的利用而变化。就渔业价值而言,与湿地用途转换相关的额外养分负荷将导致最大可持续产量至少减少 8%。湿地用途的转变导致养分缓冲功能的丧失。为补偿农田的养分负荷缓冲服务,政府应向耕地农民提供 810 万美元/年的补贴。实施生态系统服务支付制度,能够有效补偿湿地转化造成的养分缓冲功能丧失,在理论上是可行的。