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(Eco)toxicological maps: A new risk assessment method integrating traditional and in silico tools and its application in the Ledra River (Italy)
Environment International ( IF 11.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2018.06.035
Giuseppa Raitano , Daniele Goi , Valentina Pieri , Alice Passoni , Michele Mattiussi , Anna Lutman , Isabella Romeo , Alberto Manganaro , Marco Marzo , Nicola Porta , Diego Baderna , Andrea Colombo , Eleonora Aneggi , Fabrizio Natolino , Marco Lodi , Renzo Bagnati , Emilio Benfenati

Contaminants giving rise to emerging concern like pharmaceuticals, personal care products, pesticides and Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) have been detected in wastewaters, as reported in the literature, but little is known about their (eco)toxicological effects and consequent human health impact. The present study aimed at overcoming this lack of information through the use of in silico methods integrated with traditional toxicological risk analysis. This is part of a pilot project involving the management of wastewater treatment plants in the Ledra River basin (Italy). We obtained data to work up a global risk assessment method combining the evaluations of health risks to humans and ecological receptors from chemical contaminants found in this specific area. The (eco)toxicological risk is expressed by a single numerical value, permitting the comparison of different sampling sites and the evaluation of future environmental and technical interventions.



