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Randomized prospective trials to study effects of reduced antibiotic usage in abdominal surgery in cows
Journal of Dairy Science ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-04 , DOI: 10.3168/jds.2017-14158
R. Jorritsma , I.M. van Geijlswijk , M. Nielen

Societal concerns about antibiotic resistance prompted us to evaluate the use of prophylactic and postoperative antibiotic treatments following cesarean section (CS) and exploratory laparotomy (EL) in a surgery theater within the Farm Animal Health clinic. All procedures were performed by supervised veterinary students for training purposes. Cows undergoing CS (n = 100) received either a prophylaxis with a single 5-g injection of ampicillin-sodium i.v. only (CSL), or in combination with postoperative i.m. injections of ampicillin-trihydrate 20% for 3 d (10 mg/kg, twice a day; CSH). Cows undergoing EL (n = 110) received either no antibiotic prophylaxis (ELN) or were given a single 5-g injection of ampicillin-sodium i.v. (ELL). The primary outcome measure was healthy recovery after surgery, which we assessed according to the need to treat surgery-related complications within a 10-d follow-up period based on daily clinical observations. Cows in all groups had a normal temperature and feed intake, and a satisfying clinical appearance at the end of the follow-up period. The clinical need to treat cows with antibiotics to deal with postoperative complications was higher for the CS groups than the EL groups. Within both CS and EL groups, the number of complications for each protocol was the same. However, in terms of the secondary outcomes, we observed that CSL cows required, for example, more treatments for mastitis and other diseases unrelated to the surgery than CSH cows (odds ratio 2.8; confidence interval 1.2–7.2). The percentage of infected sutures was higher for ELN cows compared with ELL cows (odds ratio 2.6; confidence interval 1.5–4.9). We estimated that 29 CSH treatments were needed to prevent 1 CS cow with serious surgery-related complications in the CSL group. Likewise, 53 ELL treatments would prevent 1 EL cow with surgery-related complications in the ELN group. We therefore concluded that it is possible to reduce antibiotic prophylaxis in CS and EL cows. The low number cows of clinically detected complications were effectively treated with a postoperative antibiotic intervention at the moment of detection.



社会对抗生素的关注耐药性促使我们在农场动物健康诊所的手术室中评估剖宫产(CS)和探查性剖腹术(EL)后的预防和术后抗生素治疗的使用。所有程序均由受监督的兽医学生执行以进行培训。接受CS的奶牛(n = 100)可以通过单次5克氨苄青霉素-静脉注射钠(CSL)进行预防,或者与术后20%氨苄西林三水合物即时注射3 d(10 mg / kg)一起进行预防,每天两次; CSH)。接受EL(n = 110)的母牛未接受抗生素预防(ELN)或单次注射5 g的氨苄西林钠静脉注射(ELL)。主要指标是手术后的健康恢复,我们根据每天的临床观察结果,根据在10天的随访期内治疗与手术相关的并发症的需要进行了评估。所有组的奶牛均处于正常温度,采食量,并在随访期结束时取得令人满意的临床表现。CS组比EL组对使用抗生素治疗奶牛术后并发症的临床需求更高。在CS和EL组中,每种方案的并发症数量相同。但是,就次要结果而言,我们观察到CSL奶牛需要例如更多的乳腺炎治疗方法与CSH奶牛相比,与手术无关的其他疾病(优势比2.8;置信区间1.2–7.2)。与ELL奶牛相比,ELN奶牛的感染缝线百分比更高(优势比2.6;置信区间1.5-4.9)。我们估计,在CSL组中,需要29种CSH治疗来预防1例具有严重手术相关并发症的CS奶牛。同样,在ELN组中,进行53种ELL治疗可预防1例EL奶牛与手术相关的并发症。因此,我们得出结论,有可能减少CS和EL奶牛的抗生素预防。临床发现并发症的低奶牛在发现时通过术后抗生素干预得到了有效治疗。
