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Different oils used as supplement during lactation causes endocrine-metabolic dysfunctions in male rats
Journal of Functional Foods ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jff.2018.06.027
Fernanda Torres Quitete , Patricia C. Lisboa , Egberto Gaspar de Moura , Elaine de Oliveira

Some oils considered healthy are commonly used, even in critical periods of life. We studied the effects of maternal supplementation with soybean, olive, fish and coconut oils during lactation on the male rat offspring metabolism. Dams and pups were divided: Soybean oil (control); Olive Oil (OO); Fish Oil (FO) and Coconut Oil (CO). Dams received the oils through gavage (0.5 g/kg BW) during lactation, as a supplement. At weaning, OO pups showed obesity. Milk from CO dams presented higher triglycerides. Milk from OO and CO dams presented more cholesterol and calories. At weaning, FO and CO pups presented hypotriglyceridemia. At PN180, OO and CO offspring showed obesity and hyperleptinemia. OO offspring had higher lean mass. CO offspring presented hyperphagia. OO, FO and CO offspring had higher T3. Oils used as supplement during lactation alter milk composition and induces short and long-term endocrine-metabolic dysfunctions in the progeny.



即使在生命的关键时期,也经常使用一些被认为是健康的油。我们研究了哺乳期间母体补充大豆,橄榄油,鱼和椰子油对雄性大鼠后代代谢的影响。水坝和幼崽分为:豆油(对照);豆油(对照)。橄榄油(OO); 鱼油(FO)和椰子油(CO)。大坝在哺乳期间通过管饲法(0.5 g / kg体重)接受油脂。断奶时,OO幼崽显示肥胖。来自CO水坝的牛奶呈现出更高的甘油三酸酯。OO和CO水坝的牛奶中胆固醇和卡路里含量更高。断奶时,FO和CO幼犬出现低甘油三酯血症。在PN180,OO和CO的后代表现出肥胖和高瘦素血症。OO子代的瘦肉率更高。CO后代表现为食欲亢进。OO,FO和CO后代的T3较高。
