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Induction of domoic acid production in diatoms—Types of grazers and diatoms are important
Harmful Algae ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.hal.2018.06.005
Nina Lundholm , Bernd Krock , Uwe John , Jette Skov , Jinfeng Cheng , Marina Pančić , Sylke Wohlrab , Kristie Rigby , Torkel Gissel Nielsen , Erik Selander , Sara Harðardóttir

Grazers can induce toxin (domoic acid, DA) production in diatoms. The toxic response has been observed in two species of Pseudo-nitzschia and was induced by Calanus copepods. In this study, interactions between diatoms and copepods were further explored using different species of diatoms and copepods. All herbivorous copepods induced toxin production, whereas exposure to carnivorous copepods did not. In line with this, increasing the number of herbivorous copepods resulted in even higher toxin production. The induced response is thus only elicited by copepods that pose a real threat to the responding cells, which supports that the induced toxin production in diatoms evolved as an inducible defense.

The cellular toxin content in Pseudo-nitzschia was positively correlated to the concentration of a group of specific polar lipids called copepodamides that are excreted by the copepods. This suggests that copepodamides are the chemical cues responsible for triggering the toxin production. Carnivorous copepods were found to produce less or no copepodamides.

Among the diatoms exposed to grazing herbivorous copepods, only two of six species of Pseudo-nitzschia and none of the Nitzschia or Fragilariopsis strains responded by producing DA, indicating that not all Pseudo-nitzschia species/strains are able to produce DA, and that different diatom species might have different strategies for coping with grazing pressure. Growth rate was negatively correlated to cellular domoic acid content indicating an allocation cost associated with toxin production. Long-term grazing experiments showed higher mortality rates of grazers fed toxic diatoms, supporting the hypothesis that DA production is an induced defense mechanism.



掠食者可以诱导硅藻中的毒素(Domoic acid,DA)产生。已在两种拟南芥中观察到了毒性反应,并且是由Calanus copepods诱导的。在这项研究中,使用不同种类的硅藻和co足类动物进一步探索了硅藻和co足类动物之间的相互作用。所有草食性pe足类动物都诱导毒素产生,而暴露于肉食性pe足类动物却没有。与此相符,增加草食co足类动物的数量导致更高的毒素产生。因此,诱导的应答仅由对反应细胞构成真正威胁的co足类引起,这支持了硅藻中诱导的毒素产生演变为诱导防御。


