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Modification of the Potential Landscape of Molecular Rotors on Au(111) by the Presence of an STM Tip
Nano Letters ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-02 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.8b01019
Hong-Liang Lu 1 , Yun Cao 1 , Jing Qi 1 , Anne Bakker 2 , Cristian A. Strassert 2 , Xiao Lin 1 , Karl-Heinz Ernst 3 , Shixuan Du 1 , Harald Fuchs 2 , Hong-Jun Gao 1

Molecular rotors on solid surfaces are fundamental components of molecular machines. No matter whether the rotation is activated by heat, electric field or light, it is determined by the intrinsic rotational potential landscape. Therefore, tuning the potential landscape is of great importance for future applications of controlled molecular rotors. Here, using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), we demonstrate that both tip–molecule distance and sample bias can modify the rotational potential of molecular rotors. We achieve the potential energy difference variations of ∼0.3 meV/pm and ∼18 meV/V between two configurations of a molecular rotor, a tetra-tert-butyl nickel phthalocyanine molecule on Au(111) substrate. Further analysis indicates that the mechanism of modifying the rotational potential is a combination of the van der Waals interaction and the interaction between the molecular dipole and an electric field. This work provides insight into the methods used to modify the effective rotational potential energy of molecular rotors.



固体表面上的分子转子是分子机器的基本组成部分。无论旋转是由热,电场还是光激活的,它都由固有的旋转势态决定。因此,对潜在的前景进行调整对于受控分子转子的未来应用非常重要。在这里,使用扫描隧道显微镜(STM),我们证明了尖端分子距离和样品偏倚都可以改变分子转子的旋转势。我们实现~0.3兆电子伏/分和一个分子转子的两种配置之间约18兆电子伏/ V,四-的势能差变化Au(111)基底上的丁基丁基酞菁镍分子。进一步的分析表明,改变旋转电势的机制是范德华相互作用和分子偶极子与电场之间相互作用的结合。这项工作提供了对用于修改分子转子的有效旋转势能的方法的见解。