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Residue analysis and dietary exposure risk assessment of tebufenozide in stem lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. angustana Irish)
Food and Chemical Toxicology ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fct.2018.06.057
Hongfang Lin 1 , Xinze Liu 1 , Yecheng Ma 1 , Kyongjin Pang 1 , Jiye Hu 1

Tebufenozide, a newly-developed nonsteroidal ecdysone agonist, is in pre-regulation phase (before approval for use) on stem lettuce in China. Aiming at the safe application of tebufenozide, the dissipation and terminal residue trials on stem lettuce were performed under good agricultural practice (GAP). The dissipation trials shown that tebufenozide was rapidly degraded in stem lettuce, with half-lives of 5.0–8.2 days. Pre-regulation dietary exposure risk assessments were evaluated to recommend maximum residue limits (MRLs) based on risk quotients (RQ) method. Relevant toxicological parameters including ADI (acceptable daily intake) and ARfD (acute reference dose) were applied to assess the potential dietary exposure risk. The results indicated the chronic dietary exposure risk probability (RQc) of tebufenozide ranged from 36.4% to 70.0%. The acute dietary exposure risk probability (RQa) of tebufenozide was 2.88%–8.49% in lettuce stems and 14.0%–20.0% in lettuce leaves, respectively. On the basis of supervised field trial data and dietary exposure risk assessment results, the MRLs of tebufenozide were recommended as 3 mg/kg for lettuce stems and 10 mg/kg for lettuce leaves, respectively. The results demonstrated that the dietary exposure risk of tebufenozide used in stem lettuce under GAP was negligible and would not pose unacceptable health risk to Chinese consumers.
