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Exogenous/Endogenous‐Triggered Mesoporous Silica Cancer Nanomedicine
Advanced Healthcare Materials ( IF 10.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-25 , DOI: 10.1002/adhm.201800268
Bowen Yang 1, 2 , Yu Chen 1 , Jianlin Shi 1

Recent advances in nanomedicine‐based theranostic platforms have catalyzed the generation of new theranostic modalities for pathological abnormalities, such as cancer. Mesoporous silica–based nanomedicines, which feature unique physicochemical properties and specific applicability, are extensively explored for numerous oncological applications. Due to the well‐defined morphology, specific surface area, and pore volume, mesoporous silica nanoparticle (MSN)‐based theranostic platforms have provided unprecedented opportunities for the development of next‐generation cancer nanomedicine. However, current understanding on the underlying mechanisms of how these feasible theranostic platforms interact with exogenous/endogenous triggers and how this unique responsiveness for optimized cancer therapy can be taken advantage of is still preliminary. In this progress report, efforts are made to give a comprehensive overview of the development of MSN‐based “smart” theranostic platforms, from exogenous physical irradiation–triggered platforms for localized therapy to endogenous biological stimulus–triggered platforms for tumor microenvironment responsiveness. It is highly expected that these elaborately fabricated MSN‐based nanoformulations will play an indispensable role in the efficient cancer therapy based on their high therapeutic outcome and reduced side effects.


