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Impact of Graphene on the Efficacy of Neuron Culture Substrates
Advanced Healthcare Materials ( IF 10.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-25 , DOI: 10.1002/adhm.201701290
Rachel A Fischer 1 , Yuchen Zhang 2 , Michael L Risner 3 , Deyu Li 4 , Yaqiong Xu 5 , Rebecca M Sappington 6

How graphene influences the behavior of living cells or tissues remains a critical issue for its application in biomedical studies, despite the general acceptance that graphene is biocompatible. While direct contact between cells and graphene is not a requirement for all biomedical applications, it is often mandatory for biosensing. Therefore, it is important to clarify whether graphene impedes the ability of cells to interact with biological elements in their environment. Here, a systematic study is reported to determine whether applying graphene on top of matrix substrates masks interactions between these substrates and retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). Six different platforms are tested for primary RGC cultures with three platforms comprised of matrix substrates compatible with these neurons, and another three having a layer of graphene placed on top of the matrix substrates. The results demonstrate that graphene does not impede interactions between RGCs and underlying substrate matrix, such that their positive or negative effects on neuron viability and vitality are retained. However, direct contact between RGCs and graphene reduces the number, but increases basal activity, of functional cation channels. The data indicate that, when proper baselines are established, graphene is a promising biosensing material for in vitro applications in neuroscience.



尽管人们普遍认为石墨烯具有生物相容性,但石墨烯如何影响活细胞或组织的行为仍然是其在生物医学研究中应用的关键问题。虽然细胞和石墨烯之间的直接接触并不是所有生物医学应用的要求,但对于生物传感来说通常是强制性的。因此,澄清石墨烯是否会阻碍细胞与其环境中的生物元素相互作用的能力非常重要。在此,报道了一项系统研究,以确定在基质基底顶部应用石墨烯是否会掩盖这些基底与视网膜神经节细胞(RGC)之间的相互作用。测试了六种不同的平台用于原代 RGC 培养物,其中三个平台由与这些神经元兼容的基质基质组成,另外三个平台在基质基质顶部放置了一层石墨烯。结果表明,石墨烯不会阻碍 RGC 与底层基质基质之间的相互作用,从而保留它们对神经元活力和活力的积极或消极影响。然而,RGC 和石墨烯之间的直接接触会减少功能性阳离子通道的数量,但会增加其基础活性。数据表明,当建立适当的基线时,石墨烯是一种有前途的神经科学体外应用生物传感材料。