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U.S. center will fight infections with viruses
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-21 , DOI: 10.1126/science.360.6395.1280
Kelly Servick

In the fight against antibiotic-resistant infections, a decades-old approach based on bacteria-slaying viruses called phages has been sidelined by technical hurdles, dogged by regulatory confusion, and largely ignored by drug developers in the West. But 2 years ago, researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), used phages to knock out an infection that nearly killed a colleague. Propelled by that success and a handful of others since, UCSD is now launching a clinical center to refine phage treatments and help companies bring them to market. The center, a first in North America, aims to be a proving ground for a treatment that has long been available in parts of Eastern Europe, but that still lacks the support of rigorous clinical trials.



在对抗抗生素耐药性感染的斗争中,一种基于称为噬菌体的杀细菌病毒的数十年历史的方法因技术障碍、监管混乱而被搁置一边,并且在很大程度上被西方的药物开发商忽视。但两年前,加州大学圣地亚哥分校 (UCSD) 的研究人员使用噬菌体消灭了一种几乎导致同事死亡的感染。在这一成功和其他一些成功的推动下,加州大学圣地亚哥分校现在正在启动一个临床中心,以改进噬菌体治疗并帮助公司将其推向市场。该中心是北美第一个,旨在成为东欧部分地区长期可用但仍缺乏严格临床试验支持的治疗方法的试验场。