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Timescales of Energy Storage Needed for Reducing Renewable Energy Curtailment
Renewable Energy ( IF 8.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2018.06.079
Paul Denholm , Trieu Mai

Integrating large amounts of variable generation (VG) resources such as wind and solar into a region's power grid without causing significant VG curtailment will likely require increased system flexibility via changing grid operation and deploying enabling technologies such as energy storage. This article analyzes the storage duration required to reduce VG curtailment under high-VG scenarios. The three analysis scenarios assume VG provides 55% of the electricity demand in the largely isolated Electricity Reliability Council of Texas grid system in 2050, with three different proportions of wind and solar generation. Across the three scenarios, 11%–16% of VG energy is curtailed without storage due to system-generation constraints. When 8.5 GW of storage capacity with 4 h of duration are added, curtailment is reduced to 8%–10% of VG. Additional storage duration further reduces curtailment, but with rapidly diminishing returns. At least half the potential avoided-curtailment benefits are realized with 8 h of storage, and the first 4 h provide the largest benefit. At VG penetrations up to 55%, there appears to be little incremental benefit in deploying very-long-duration or seasonal storage.



将风能和太阳能等大量可变发电 (VG) 资源整合到一个地区的电网中,而不导致显着的 VG 限电,可能需要通过改变电网运行和部署能源存储等使能技术来提高系统灵活性。本文分析了在高 VG 场景下减少 VG 限电所需的存储时间。三个分析情景假设 VG 提供 2050 年德克萨斯州电网系统基本孤立的电力可靠性委员会 55% 的电力需求,风能和太阳能发电的三个不同比例。在这三种情况下,由于系统发电限制,11%–16% 的 VG 能源在没有存储的情况下被削减。当增加 8.5 GW 的存储容量和 4 小时的持续时间时,限电减少到 VG 的 8%–10%。额外的存储时间进一步减少了限电,但收益会迅速减少。至少有一半的潜在可避免限电效益是通过 8 小时的存储实现的,而前 4 小时的效益最大。在 VG 渗透率高达 55% 的情况下,部署超长持续时间或季节性存储似乎几乎没有增量收益。