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Establishing a land degradation neutrality national baseline through trend analysis of GIMMS NDVI Time‐series
Land Degradation & Development ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-11 , DOI: 10.1002/ldr.3067
Helene Gichenje 1 , Sérgio Godinho 1

The land degradation‐neutrality (LDN) national baseline for Kenya in 2015 was established in terms of the three LDN indicators (land cover, land productivity, and carbon stocks), and using trends in GIMMS NDVI and land cover datasets over the 24‐year period from 1992 to 2015. Human‐induced land degradation was separated from degradation driven by climate factors using soil moisture data and the residual trend method. On the basis of Kendall's tau of the NDVI residuals computed using annual mean data of the NDVI and soil moisture relationship, the country has experienced persistent negative trends (browning) over 21.6% of the country, and persistent positive trends (greening) in 8.9% of the country. The land cover change map for the period 1992–2015 showed that in 5.6% of the area there was a change from one land cover class to another. Pronounced changes in terms of land area were the increase in grasslands by 12,171 km2, the decrease of bare land by 9,877 km2, and the decrease in forests by 7,182 km2. Browning and greening trends account for 13% and 12%, respectively, of the land cover change areas. By establishing the LDN national baseline, the LDN concept is now operational. As a first step, targeted field level assessments, alongside the collection of data for the computation of soil organic carbon stocks, should be undertaken in selected browning, greening, and land cover change sites. These field studies will provide decision makers with key information on how to plan for the implementation and monitoring of LDN interventions.


通过GIMMS NDVI时间序列趋势分析建立土地退化中立国家基线

根据三个LDN指标(土地覆盖率,土地生产力和碳储量),并使用GIMMS NDVI和24年来土地覆盖数据集的趋势,确定了2015年肯尼亚的土地退化-中立性(LDN)国家基准期间为1992年至2015年。使用土壤湿度数据和残差趋势方法,将人为土地退化与气候因素驱动的退化分开。根据肯德尔(Kendall)的NDVI残差tau(使用NDVI和土壤水分关系的年均数据计算),该国经历了持续的负趋势(褐变),占全国的21.6%,而持续的正趋势(绿化)率为8.9%。国家的。1992-2015年期间的土地覆被变化图显示,在5.6%的区域中,一个土地覆被类别发生了变化。2,光秃秃的土地减少了9,877 km 2,森林减少了7,182 km 2。褐变和绿化趋势分别占土地覆盖变化区域的13%和12%。通过建立LDN国家基准,LDN概念现已投入使用。第一步,应在选定的褐变,绿化和土地覆盖变化地点进行针对性的田间评估,并收集用于计算土壤有机碳储量的数据。这些现场研究将为决策者提供有关如何计划实施和监控LDN干预措施的关键信息。