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Quantum physics could get big boost from U.S. Congress
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-14 , DOI: 10.1126/science.360.6394.1158
Gabriel Popkin 1

U.S. officials are backing an emerging effort to better organize and boost funding for quantum research, which could reshape computing, sensors, and communications. In the coming weeks, the science committee of the House of Representatives is expected to introduce legislation calling for a new, 10-year-long National Quantum Initiative. The White House and science agencies are also calling for a larger role for the federal government in quantum science. A yearlong push by a coalition of academic researchers and technology firms helped trigger this flurry of activity. Proponents argue that the United States needs a better plan for harvesting the potential fruits of quantum research—and for keeping up with global competitors.



美国官员正在支持一项新的努力,以更好地组织和增加量子研究的资金,这可能会重塑计算、传感器和通信。在接下来的几周内,众议院科学委员会预计将提出立法,呼吁制定一项新的、为期 10 年的国家量子计划。白宫和科学机构也呼吁联邦政府在量子科学中发挥更大的作用。由学术研究人员和技术公司组成的联盟长达一年的推动推动了这一系列活动。支持者认为,美国需要一个更好的计划来收获量子研究的潜在成果,并跟上全球竞争对手的步伐。