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Synapse-specific representation of the identity of overlapping memory engrams
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-14 , DOI: 10.1126/science.aat3810
Kareem Abdou 1, 2 , Mohammad Shehata 1, 2 , Kiriko Choko 1, 2 , Hirofumi Nishizono 2, 3 , Mina Matsuo 3 , Shin-ichi Muramatsu 4, 5 , Kaoru Inokuchi 1, 2

Disentangling specific memories Each memory is stored in a distinct memory trace in the brain, in a specific population of neurons called engram cells. How does the brain store and define the identity of a specific memory when two memories interact and are encoded in a shared engram? Abdou et al. used optogenetic reactivation coupled with manipulations of long-term potentiation to analyze engrams that share neurons in the lateral amygdala (see the Perspective by Ramirez). Synapse-specific plasticity guaranteed the storage and the identity of individual memories in a shared engram. Moreover, synaptic plasticity between specific engram assemblies was necessary and sufficient for memory engram formation. Science, this issue p. 1227; see also p. 1182 Memory identity is defined by plasticity occurring at specific synapses that underlie each memory trace. Memories are integrated into interconnected networks; nevertheless, each memory has its own identity. How the brain defines specific memory identity out of intermingled memories stored in a shared cell ensemble has remained elusive. We found that after complete retrograde amnesia of auditory fear conditioning in mice, optogenetic stimulation of the auditory inputs to the lateral amygdala failed to induce memory recall, implying that the memory engram no longer existed in that circuit. Complete amnesia of a given fear memory did not affect another linked fear memory encoded in the shared ensemble. Optogenetic potentiation or depotentiation of the plasticity at synapses specific to one memory affected the recall of only that memory. Thus, the sharing of engram cells underlies the linkage between memories, whereas synapse-specific plasticity guarantees the identity and storage of individual memories.