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The influence of human disturbance on wildlife nocturnality
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-14 , DOI: 10.1126/science.aar7121
Kaitlyn M. Gaynor 1 , Cheryl E. Hojnowski 1 , Neil H. Carter 2 , Justin S. Brashares 1

Nocturnal refuge As the human population grows, there are fewer places for animals to live out their lives independently of our influence. Given our mostly diurnal tendencies, one domain that remains less affected by humans is the night. Gaynor et al. found that across the globe and across mammalian species—from deer to coyotes and from tigers to wild boar—animals are becoming more nocturnal (see the Perspective by Benítez-López). Human activities of all kinds, including nonlethal pastimes such as hiking, seem to drive animals to make use of hours when we are not around. Such changes may provide some relief, but they may also have ecosystem-level consequences. Science, this issue p. 1232; see also p. 1185 Human activities are pushing animals towards a more nocturnal existence. Rapid expansion of human activity has driven well-documented shifts in the spatial distribution of wildlife, but the cumulative effect of human disturbance on the temporal dynamics of animals has not been quantified. We examined anthropogenic effects on mammal diel activity patterns, conducting a meta-analysis of 76 studies of 62 species from six continents. Our global study revealed a strong effect of humans on daily patterns of wildlife activity. Animals increased their nocturnality by an average factor of 1.36 in response to human disturbance. This finding was consistent across continents, habitats, taxa, and human activities. As the global human footprint expands, temporal avoidance of humans may facilitate human-wildlife coexistence. However, such responses can result in marked shifts away from natural patterns of activity, with consequences for fitness, population persistence, community interactions, and evolution.



夜间避难所 随着人口的增长,动物可以独立于我们的影响而生活的地方越来越少。考虑到我们主要是白天的趋势,受人类影响较小的一个领域是夜晚。盖诺等人。发现在全球范围内,跨哺乳动物物种——从鹿到郊狼,从老虎到野猪——动物变得越来越夜行(见贝尼特斯-洛佩斯的观点)。各种人类活动,包括远足等非致命性消遣,似乎促使动物利用我们不在身边的时间。这种变化可能会提供一些缓解,但它们也可能对生态系统产生影响。科学,这个问题 p。1232; 另见第。1185 人类活动将动物推向更加夜行的生活。人类活动的快速扩张推动了野生动物空间分布的有据可查的变化,但人类干扰对动物时间动态的累积影响尚未量化。我们研究了人为对哺乳动物饮食活动模式的影响,对来自六大洲的 62 个物种的 76 项研究进行了荟萃分析。我们的全球研究揭示了人类对野生动物日常活动模式的强烈影响。为响应人类的干扰,动物的夜间活动性平均增加了 1.36。这一发现在各大洲、栖息地、分类群和人类活动中都是一致的。随着全球人类足迹的扩大,暂时避开人类可能会促进人类与野生动物的共存。然而,这种反应可能导致明显偏离自然活动模式,