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Stackable bipolar pouch cells with corrosion-resistant current collectors enable high-power aqueous electrochemical energy storage†
Energy & Environmental Science ( IF 32.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-14 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1039/c8ee00546j
Brian Evanko 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , Seung Joon Yoo 2, 3, 4, 5 , Jason Lipton 2, 3, 4, 6 , Sang-Eun Chun 7, 8, 9, 10 , Martin Moskovits 2, 3, 4, 6 , Xiulei Ji 4, 11, 12, 13 , Shannon W. Boettcher 4, 6, 14, 15 , Galen D. Stucky 1, 2, 3, 4, 6

A critical bottleneck in the development of aqueous electrochemical energy storage systems is the lack of viable complete cell designs. We report a metal-free, bipolar pouch cell designed with carbon black/polyethylene composite film (CBPE) current collectors as a practical cell architecture. The light-weight, corrosion-resistant CBPE provides stable operation in a variety of aqueous electrolytes over a ∼2.5 V potential range. Because CBPE is heat-sealable, it serves simultaneously as both the pouch cell packaging and seal in addition to its use as a current collector. Although this non-metallic composite has a low electrical conductivity relative to metal foils, current travels only a short distance in the through-plane direction of the current collector in the bipolar cell configuration. This shorter path length lowers the effective electrical resistance, making the design suitable for high-power applications. We test the cell architecture using an aqueous ZnBr2 battery chemistry and incorporate tetrabutylammonium cations to improve the intrinsic low Coulombic efficiency and fast self-discharge of non-flow ZnBr2 cells. These devices demonstrate a cell-level energy density of 50 W h L−1 at a 10C rate (0.5 kW L−1), with less than 1% capacity loss over 500 cycles. A large-area (>6 cm2) 4-cell stack is built to illustrate that the pouch cells are scalable to practical dimensions and stackable without sacrificing performance. The device operates in the range of 6–7 V and has an internal self-balancing mechanism that prevents any individual cell in the stack from overcharging. The results thus demonstrate both a conceptually new cell architecture that is broadly applicable to many aqueous electrolyte chemistries and a specific high-performance example thereof.



水性电化学储能系统开发中的一个关键瓶颈是缺乏可行的完整电池设计。我们报告了一种无金属的双极袋式电池,该电池采用炭黑/聚乙烯复合膜(CBPE)集电器设计为实用的电池体系结构。轻巧,耐腐蚀的CBPE在大约2.5 V的电压范围内,可在多种水性电解质中稳定运行。因为CBPE是可热封的,所以除了用作集电器以外,它还同时用作袋式电池的包装和密封。尽管该非金属复合材料相对于金属箔具有较低的电导率,但是在双极电池构造中,电流仅在集电器的贯穿平面方向上传播很短的距离。这种较短的路径长度降低了有效电阻,从而使该设计适合大功率应用。我们使用ZnBr水溶液测试电池结构2电池化学,并结合四丁基铵阳离子,以提高固有的低库仑效率和非流动ZnBr 2电池的快速自放电。这些器件在10C速率(0.5 kW L -1)下显示出50 W h L -1的电池级能量密度,在500个循环中的容量损失不到1%。大面积(> 6 cm 2)4电池堆栈的构建旨在说明袋式电池可扩展至实际尺寸,并且可以在不牺牲性能的情况下进行堆叠。该器件工作在6–7 V的电压范围内,并具有内部自平衡机制,可防止电池组中的任何单个电池过度充电。结果因此证明了在概念上新的电池体系结构及其广泛的适用于许多水性电解质化学的具体例子。