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Microstructural characterization of as-fabricated and irradiated U-Mo fuel using SEM/EBSD
Journal of Nuclear Materials ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.06.007
Daniel Jadernas , Jian Gan , Dennis Keiser , James Madden , Mukesh Bachhav , Jan-Fong Jue , Adam Robinson

Electron Backscattered Diffraction (EBSD) is an effective technique for revealing many details about the microstructure of materials, e.g. crystallographic orientation, grain size, grain boundary properties, texture, intragranular misorientation, and subgrain formation. Since these details are of interest for improving the irradiation performance understanding of any irradiated nuclear fuel (e.g. swelling behavior), this technique has been applied successfully on U-7 wt% Mo before and after irradiation. This fuel is a high-density, low-enriched uranium fuel currently being developed for application in research and test reactors. Based on the results of this characterization, it was found that when as-fabricated U-7 wt% Mo is irradiated to around 5.3 × 1021 fissions/cm3 the original large grains (diameter ∼4 μm) are subdivided into much smaller grains (diameter ∼0.3 μm) and most of these subdivided grain boundaries are low angle boundaries. The EBSD analysis suggests that the grain subdivision in the irradiated U-7 wt% Mo was driven by polygonization, not recrystallization as defined by classic metallurgy as a result of heavy cold work followed by heat treatment.


使用SEM / EBSD对已加工和辐照的U-Mo燃料进行微观结构表征

电子背散射衍射(EBSD)是一种有效的技术,可揭示有关材料微观结构的许多细节,例如晶体学取向,晶粒尺寸,晶界特性,织构,晶粒内取向差和亚晶粒形成。由于这些细节对于提高对任何被辐照的核燃料的辐照性能(例如溶胀行为)的理解是令人感兴趣的,因此该技术已成功地应用于辐照前后的U-7 wt%Mo。这种燃料是目前正在开发用于研究和测试反应堆的高密度,低浓缩铀燃料。根据该表征的结果,发现当加工后的U-7 wt%Mo被辐照至约5.3×10 21个裂变/ cm 3时。原始的大晶粒(直径约4μm)被细分为小得多的晶粒(直径约0.3μm),并且这些细分的晶界中大多数都是低角度边界。EBSD分析表明,辐照的U-7 wt%Mo中的晶粒细分是由多边形化驱动的,而不是经典的冶金学所定义的重结晶,这是由于进行大量冷加工并随后进行热处理而导致的。
