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Engineering Biologically Extensible Hydrogels using Photolithographic Printing
Acta Biomaterialia ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-05-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2018.05.036
Shail Maharshi Mehta , Tao Jin , Ilinca Stanciulescu , K. Jane Grande-Allen

Biomaterials for tissue engineering that recapitulate the mechanical response and biological function of native tissue are highly sought after to lessen the burden of damaged or diseased tissue. Poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA) hydrogels are a popular candidate because of their favorable bioactive properties. However, their mechanical behavior is very dissimilar to that of biological tissue, which behaves in a mechanically anisotropic, nonlinear, and viscoelastic fashion. It has been previously shown that PEGDA hydrogels can be patterned in alternating linear strips of different stiffnesses to generate anisotropic behavior, but these constructs still have a linear stress-strain response. In this study, we imparted nonlinear mechanical properties to PEGDA hydrogels by fabricating composite hydrogel constructs consisting of a stiff sinusoidal reinforcement embedded into a softer base matrix. This was achieved by polymerizing low molecular weight (MW) PEGDA hydrogel precursor into a stiff sinusoidal shape and then polymerizing this construct into a high MW precursor. Samples were generated with different relative stiffness between the two components and a range of sinusoid periodicities to assess the tunability of the resulting stress-strain curve. Tensile testing indicates that the sinusoidal patterning gives rise to nonlinear stress-strain behavior. Varying the relative stiffness was shown to tune the slope of the linear region of the stress-strain curve, and varying periodicity was shown to affect the length of the toe region of this curve. We conclude that composite hydrogels with stiff sinusoidally-patterned reinforcements display mechanical properties more similar to those of biological tissue than uniform or linearly-patterned hydrogels.

Statement of Significance

Hydrogel biomaterials are a popular candidate for engineering constructs that can mimic the properties of native tissue for disease modeling and tissue-engineering applications. Studies have shown that poly(ethylene) glycol diacrylate (PEGDA) hydrogels can be fabricated to display many biological aspects of native tissue. However, they are unable to recapitulate fundamental mechanical properties of such tissue, such as anisotropy and nonlinearity. Photolithographic techniques have been employed to generate anisotropic linear PEGDA hydrogels via patterned reinforcement. The present study indicates that such techniques can be modified to generate PEGDA constructs with a sinusoidal reinforcement that display a strongly nonlinear response to tensile loading. This work sets the stage for more intricate patterning for providing increased control over hydrogel mechanical response.





