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Content Aware Image Pre-Compensation
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence ( IF 20.8 ) Pub Date : 5-23-2018 , DOI: 10.1109/tpami.2018.2839115
Jinwei Ye , Yu Ji , Mingyuan Zhou , Sing Bing Kang , Jingyi Yu

The goal of image pre-compensation is to process an image such that after being convolved with a known kernel, will appear close to the sharp reference image. In a practical setting, the pre-compensated image has significantly higher dynamic range than the latent image. As a result, some form of tone mapping is needed. In this paper, we show how global tone mapping functions affect contrast and ringing in image pre-compensation. We further enhance contrast and reduce ringing by considering the visual saliency. Specifically, we prioritize contrast preservation in salient regions while tolerating more blurriness elsewhere. For quantitative analysis, we design new metrics to measure the contrast of an image with ringing. Specifically, we set out to find its “equivalent ringing-free” image that matches its intensity histogram and uses its contrast as the measure. We illustrate our approach on projector defocus compensation and visual acuity enhancement. Compared with the state-of-the-art, our approach significantly improves the contrast. We also perform user studies to demonstrate that our method can effectively improve the viewing experience for users with impaired vision.


