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Investigation of propagation dynamics of truncated vector vortex beams
Optics Letters ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-05-23 , DOI: 10.1364/ol.43.002579
P. Srinivas , C. Perumangatt , Nijil Lal , R. P. Singh , B. Srinivasan

In this Letter, we experimentally investigate the propagation dynamics of truncated vector vortex beams generated using a Sagnac interferometer. Upon focusing, the truncated vector vortex beam is found to regain its original intensity structure within the Rayleigh range. In order to explain such behavior, the propagation dynamics of a truncated vector vortex beam is simulated by decomposing it into the sum of integral charge beams with associated complex weights. We also show that the polarization of the truncated composite vector vortex beam is preserved all along the propagation axis. The experimental observations are consistent with theoretical predictions based on previous literature and are in good agreement with our simulation results. The results hold importance as vector vortex modes are eigenmodes of the optical fiber.


