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Is the 1.5°C target possible? Exploring the three spheres of transformation
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-30
Karen O’Brien

Carbon roadmaps and pathways are important for describing, planning and tracking the technical, managerial and behavioral changes that are consistent with the Paris Agreement. Nevertheless, roadmaps and pathways for decarbonization often gloss over a fundamental question: ‘How do deliberate social transformations happen?’ Often the social complexity of transformation processes is downplayed or ignored in favor of technical solutions and behavioral approaches. In this article, I explain why they are incomplete and unlikely to ‘bend the curves’ to reduce emissions in accordance with the Paris Agreement. I first discuss the distinction between technical and adaptive challenges and why this is relevant. I then review and describe the dynamics of social change in relation to three related and interacting ‘spheres’ of transformation: the practical, political, and personal spheres. Finally, I explore how these three spheres can be used to identify leverage points for transformations that support the 1.5°C target.



碳路线图和途径对于描述,规划和跟踪与《巴黎协定》一致的技术,管理和行为变化非常重要。然而,脱碳的路线图和途径常常掩盖一个基本问题:“蓄意的社会变革如何发生?' 通常,人们倾向于使用技术解决方案和行为方法来淡化或忽略转型过程的社会复杂性。在本文中,我解释了为什么它们不完整,并且不太可能按照《巴黎协定》“弯曲曲线”以减少排放。我首先讨论技术挑战和适应性挑战之间的区别,以及为什么这很重要。然后,我回顾并描述与三个相关且相互作用的变革领域有关的社会变革动态:实践领域,政治领域和个人领域。最后,我探讨了如何使用这三个领域来确定支持1.5°C目标的转型的杠杆点。
