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Aquaporin-4 and Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Autoantibody Status Predict Outcome of Recurrent Optic Neuritis
Ophthalmology ( IF 13.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-30
Jiraporn Jitprapaikulsan, John J. Chen, Eoin P. Flanagan, W. Oliver Tobin, Jim P. Fryer, Brian G. Weinshenker, Andrew McKeon, Vanda A. Lennon, Jacqueline A. Leavitt, Jan-Mendelt Tillema, Claudia Lucchinetti, B. Mark Keegan, Orhun Kantarci, Cheryl Khanna, Sarah M. Jenkins, Grant M. Spears, Jessica Sagan, Sean J. Pittock


To determine the aquaporin-4 and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) immunoglobulin G (IgG) serostatus and visual outcomes in patients with recurrent optic neuritis (rON) initially seeking treatment.


Cross-sectional cohort study.


The study identified patients by searching the Mayo Clinic computerized central diagnostic index (January 2000–March 2017). The 246 eligible patients fulfilled the following criteria: (1) initially seeking treatment for at least 2 consecutive episodes of optic neuritis (ON) and (2) serum available for testing.


Serum was tested for aquaporin-4 IgG and MOG IgG1 using an in-house validated flow cytometric assay using live HEK293 cells transfected with M1 aquaporin-4 or full-length MOG.

Main Outcomes Measures

Aquaporin-4 IgG and MOG IgG1 serostatus, clinical characteristics, and visual outcomes.


Among 246 patients with rON at presentation, glial autoantibodies were detected in 32% (aquaporin-4 IgG, 19%; MOG IgG1, 13%); 186 patients had rON only and 60 patients had rON with subsequent additional inflammatory demyelinating attacks (rON-plus group). The rON-only cohort comprised the following: double seronegative (idiopathic), 110 patients (59%); MOG IgG1 positive, 27 patients (15%; 4 with chronic relapsing inflammatory optic neuropathy); multiple sclerosis (MS), 25 patients (13%); and aquaporin-4 IgG positive, 24 patients (13%). The rON-plus cohort comprised the following: aquaporin-4 IgG positive, 23 patients (38%); MS, 22 patients (37%); double seronegative, 11 patients (18%); and MOG IgG1 positive, 4 patients (7%). The annualized relapse rate for the rON-only group was 1.2 for MOG IgG1−positive patients, 0.7 for double-seronegative patients, 0.6 for aquaporin-4 IgG−positive patients, and 0.4 for MS patients (P = 0.005). The median visual acuity (VA) of patients with the worst rON-only attack at nadir were hand movements in aquaporin-4 IgG−positive patients, between counting fingers and hand movements in MOG IgG1−positive patients, 20/800 in idiopathic patients, and 20/100 in MS patients (P = 0.02). The median VA at last follow-up for affected eyes of the rON-only cohort were counting fingers for aquaporin-4 IgG−positive patients, 20/40 for idiopathic patients, 20/25 for MS patients and MOG IgG1−positive patients (P = 0.006). At 5 years after ON onset, 59% of aquaporin-4 IgG−positive patients, 22% of idiopathic patients, 12% of MOG IgG1−positive patients, and 8% of MS patients were estimated to have severe visual loss.


Glial autoantibodies (MOG IgG1 or aquaporin-4 IgG) are found in one third of all patients with rON. Aquaporin-4 IgG seropositivity predicts a worse visual outcome than MOG IgG1 seropositivity, double seronegativity, or MS diagnosis. Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein IgG1 is associated with a greater relapse rate but better visual outcomes.








该研究通过搜索Mayo Clinic计算机化中央诊断指标(2000年1月至2017年3月)来识别患者。246名符合条件的患者符合以下标准:(1)最初寻求连续治疗至少2次连续性视神经炎(ON)的治疗,以及(2)可用于测试的血清。


使用内部验证的流式细胞术,使用转染了M1 Aquaporin-4或全长MOG的活HEK293细胞,对血清中的Aquaporin-4 IgG和MOG IgG1进行了测试。


Aquaporin-4 IgG和MOG IgG1血清状态,临床特征和视觉结果。


在246位出现rON的患者中,神经胶质自身抗体检出率为32%(aquaporin-4 IgG,19%; MOG IgG1,13%);186例患者仅接受rON,60例患者接受rON并随后发生其他炎症性脱髓鞘性发作(rON-plus组)。仅rON的队列包括:双重血清阴性(特发性)110例(59%);MOG IgG1阳性,27例(15%; 4例慢性复发性炎症性视神经病变);多发性硬化症(MS),25例(13%); 和Aquaporin-4 IgG阳性的24例患者(13%)。rON-plus队列包括:aquaporin-4 IgG阳性,23例(38%);MS,22例患者(37%);双血清阴性,11例(18%); MOG IgG1阳性,4例(7%)。对于MOG IgG1阳性的患者,仅rON组的年复发率是1.2,为0。P  = 0.005)。在最低点,rON发作最严重的患者的中位视力(VA)是aquaporin-4 IgG阳性患者的手部动作,MOG IgG1阳性患者的手指数与手部动作之间,特发性患者为20/800, MS患者中为20/100(P  = 0.02)。仅rON队列的患儿最近一次随访的中位VA为aquaporin-4 IgG阳性患者计数手指,特发性患者为20/40,MS患者和MOG IgG1阳性患者为20/25(P  = 0.006)。发病5年后,估计有59%的Aquaporin-4 IgG阳性患者,22%的特发性患者,12%的MOG IgG1阳性患者和8%的MS患者患有严重的视力丧失。


在所有rON患者中,有三分之一发现了神经胶质自身抗体(MOG IgG1或aquaporin-4 IgG)。与MOG IgG1血清反应阳性,双重血清阴性反应或MS诊断相比,Aquaporin-4 IgG血清反应阳性预示着较差的视觉效果。髓磷脂少突胶质细胞糖蛋白IgG1与较高的复发率但具有较好的视觉效果有关。
