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Quellenin, a new anti-Saprolegnia compound isolated from the deep-sea fungus, Aspergillus sp. YK-76.
The Journal of Antibiotics ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-Aug-01 , DOI: 10.1038/s41429-018-0053-z
Konami Takahashi , Kazunari Sakai , Wataru Fukasawa , Yuriko Nagano , Sakiko Orui Sakaguchi , Andre O. Lima , Vivian H. Pellizari , Masato Iwatsuki , Kiyotaka Takishita , Takao Yoshida , Kenichi Nonaka , Katsunori Fujikura , Satoshi Ōmura

Saprolegnia parasitica, belonging to oomycetes, is one of virulent pathogen of fishes such as salmon and trout, and causes tremendous damage and losses in commercial aquacultures by saprolegniasis. Previously, malachite green, an effective medicine, had been used to control saprolegniasis. However, this drug has been banned around the world due to its mutagenicity. Therefore, novel anti-saprolegniasis compounds are urgently needed. As a new frontier to discover bioactive compounds, we focused on the deep-sea fungi for the isolation of anti-saprolegniasis compounds. In this paper, on the course of anti-saprolegniasis agents from 546 cultured broths of 91 deep-sea fungal strains, we report a new compound, named quellenin (1) together with three known compounds, diorcinol (2), violaceol-I (3) and violaceol-II (4), from deep-sea fungus Aspergillus sp. YK-76. This strain was isolated from an Osedax sp. annelid, commonly called bone-eating worm, collected at the São Paulo Ridge in off Brazil. Compounds 2, 3 and 4 showed anti-S. parasitica activity. Our results suggest that diorcinol and violaceol analogs and could be good lead candidates for the development of novel agents to prevent saprolegniasis.



属于卵菌纲的寄生腐烂藻是鱼类诸如鲑鱼和鳟鱼的强毒病原体之一,并由于腐霉病而对商业水产养殖造成巨大的破坏和损失。以前,孔雀石绿是一种有效的药物,可用于控制腐烂症。但是,由于其致突变性,该药物已在全球范围内被禁止使用。因此,迫切需要新型的抗腐皮病化合物。作为发现生物活性化合物的新领域,我们专注于深海真菌以分离抗腐生症化合物。在这篇论文中,从91种深海真菌菌株的546个培养液中提取的抗腐霉病制剂,我们报道了一种名为槲皮素(1)的新化合物,以及三种已知的化合物二苯二酚(2),紫杉醇-I( 3)和紫堇醇II(4),来自深海真菌Aspergillus sp.。YK-76。该菌株是从Osedax sp。分离得到的。annelid,通常被称为食骨蠕虫,收集在巴西外海的圣保罗岭(SãoPaulo Ridge)。化合物2、3和4显示抗-S。寄生虫活动。我们的研究结果表明,地高辛和紫堇醇类似物可能是开发预防腐烂症新药的良好候选药物。