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Plan for 2020 U.S. census is fatally flawed, critics say
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-19 , DOI: 10.1126/science.360.6386.250
Jeffrey Mervis

A plan by U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross to ensure a "complete and accurate" 2020 census is seriously flawed, say former agency officials and other experts in survey research. The problem lies not simply with Ross9s controversial, eleventh-hour decision last month to add a citizenship question to the decennial census, although civil rights groups, local and state governments, and business leaders believe the question will depress participation and jeopardize an accurate head count in 2020. Ross has also ordered the Census Bureau to expand its use of administrative records, the massive amount of information that other government agencies already possess on U.S. residents. The two-pronged strategy, Ross wrote in a 26 March memo explaining his decision, will "maximize" the bureau9s ability to carry out its constitutionally mandated requirement to conduct an accurate head count. But social scientists say that9s a mission impossible, at least in the 2 years before Census Day.


批评人士称,2020 年美国人口普查计划存在致命缺陷

前机构官员和其他调查研究专家表示,美国商务部长威尔伯·罗斯 (Wilbur Ross) 为确保 2020 年人口普查“完整而准确”的计划存在严重缺陷。问题不仅仅在于罗斯在上个月的第 11 小时决定在十年一次的人口普查中增加一个公民身份问题,尽管民权组织、地方和州政府以及商界领袖认为这个问题会抑制参与并危及准确的人数统计。 2020 年。罗斯还命令人口普查局扩大对行政记录的使用,这是其他政府机构已经拥有的关于美国居民的大量信息。罗斯在 3 月 26 日解释他的决定的备忘录中写道,这种双管齐下的策略将“最大化” 该局有能力执行其宪法规定的进行准确人数统计的要求。但社会科学家表示,这是不可能完成的任务,至少在人口普查日之前的两年里是这样。