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A blueprint for demonstrating quantum supremacy with superconducting qubits
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-12 , DOI: 10.1126/science.aao4309
C. Neill 1 , P. Roushan 2 , K. Kechedzhi 3, 4 , S. Boixo 2 , S. V. Isakov 2 , V. Smelyanskiy 2 , A. Megrant 2 , B. Chiaro 1 , A. Dunsworth 1 , K. Arya 2 , R. Barends 2 , B. Burkett 2 , Y. Chen 2 , Z. Chen 1 , A. Fowler 2 , B. Foxen 1 , M. Giustina 2 , R. Graff 2 , E. Jeffrey 2 , T. Huang 2 , J. Kelly 2 , P. Klimov 2 , E. Lucero 2 , J. Mutus 2 , M. Neeley 2 , C. Quintana 1 , D. Sank 2 , A. Vainsencher 2 , J. Wenner 1 , T. C. White 2 , H. Neven 2 , J. M. Martinis 1, 2

Scaling up to supremacy Quantum information scientists are getting closer to building a quantum computer that can perform calculations that a classical computer cannot. It has been estimated that such a computer would need around 50 qubits, but scaling up existing architectures to this number is tricky. Neill et al. explore how increasing the number of qubits from five to nine affects the quality of the output of their superconducting qubit device. If, as the number of qubits grows further, the error continues to increase at the same rate, a quantum computer with about 60 qubits and reasonable fidelity might be achievable with current technologies. Science, this issue p. 195 Scaling of errors and output with the number of qubits is explored in a five- to nine-qubit device. A key step toward demonstrating a quantum system that can address difficult problems in physics and chemistry will be performing a computation beyond the capabilities of any classical computer, thus achieving so-called quantum supremacy. In this study, we used nine superconducting qubits to demonstrate a promising path toward quantum supremacy. By individually tuning the qubit parameters, we were able to generate thousands of distinct Hamiltonian evolutions and probe the output probabilities. The measured probabilities obey a universal distribution, consistent with uniformly sampling the full Hilbert space. As the number of qubits increases, the system continues to explore the exponentially growing number of states. Extending these results to a system of 50 qubits has the potential to address scientific questions that are beyond the capabilities of any classical computer.



扩大到至高无上 量子信息科学家越来越接近于建造一台可以执行经典计算机无法执行的计算的量子计算机。据估计,这样的计算机需要大约 50 个量子位,但将现有架构扩展到这个数字是很棘手的。尼尔等人。探索将量子位数量从 5 增加到 9 会如何影响其超导量子位设备的输出质量。如果随着量子比特数量的进一步增长,误差继续以相同的速度增加,那么使用当前技术可能可以实现具有大约 60 个量子比特和合理保真度的量子计算机。科学,这个问题 p。195 在 5 到 9 个量子位设备中探索了错误和输出与量子位数量的缩放比例。证明可以解决物理和化学难题的量子系统的关键一步是执行超出任何经典计算机能力的计算,从而实现所谓的量子霸权。在这项研究中,我们使用了 9 个超导量子位来展示一条通往量子霸权的有希望的道路。通过单独调整量子位参数,我们能够生成数千个不同的哈密顿演化并探测输出概率。测量的概率服从一个普遍分布,与对整个 Hilbert 空间进行均匀采样一致。随着量子比特数量的增加,系统继续探索呈指数增长的状态数量。