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Previous cocaine self-administration disrupts reward expectancy encoding in ventral striatum.
Neuropsychopharmacology ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-01 , DOI: 10.1038/s41386-018-0058-0
Amanda C. Burton , Gregory B. Bissonette , Daniela Vazquez , Elyse M. Blume , Maria Donnelly , Kendall C. Heatley , Abhishek Hinduja , Matthew R. Roesch

The nucleus accumbens core (NAc) is important for integrating and providing information to downstream areas about the timing and value of anticipated reward. Although NAc is one of the first brain regions to be affected by drugs of abuse, we still do not know how neural correlates related to reward expectancy are affected by previous cocaine self-administration. To address this issue, we recorded from single neurons in the NAc of rats that had previously self-administered cocaine or sucrose (control). Neural recordings were then taken while rats performed an odor-guided decision-making task in which we independently manipulated value of expected reward by changing the delay to or size of reward across a series of trial blocks. We found that previous cocaine self-administration made rats more impulsive, biasing choice behavior toward more immediate reward. Further, compared to controls, cocaine-exposed rats showed significantly fewer neurons in the NAc that were responsive during odor cues and reward delivery, and in the reward-responsive neurons that remained, diminished directional and value encoding was observed. Lastly, we found that after cocaine exposure, reward-related firing during longer delays was reduced compared to controls. These results demonstrate that prior cocaine self-administration alters reward-expectancy encoding in NAc, which could contribute to poor decision making observed after chronic cocaine use.


