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Exposure assessment to paralytic shellfish toxins through the shellfish consumption in Korea
Food Research International ( IF 7.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2018.03.061
Choonshik Shin , Hyejin Jo , Sheen-Hee Kim , Gil-Jin Kang

Paralytic shellfish poisoning is caused by saxitoxin and its analogues. The paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) are produced by marine dinoflagellates and can be accumulated in filter feeding shellfish, such as mussel, clam, oyster and ark shell. The worldwide regulatory limits for PSTs in shellfish are set at 80 μg STX eq./100 g meat and this is widely accepted as providing adequate public health protection. In this study, we have determined five individual PSTs (STX, GTX1, GTX2, GTX3 and GTX4) in shellfish using LC-MS/MS and assessed the human acute and chronic exposures to PSTs through shellfish consumption. Food consumption data was obtained from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES 2010–2015). The acute exposure using a large portion size of 88 g/day (95th percentile for consumers only) with maximum toxin level of 198.7 μg/kg was 0.30 μg/kg bw. Even though we estimated the acute exposure with a conservative manner, it was below the ARfDs (0.5 or 0.7 μg STX eq./kg bw) proposed by the international organizations, representing 43–60% of the ARfDs. The chronic exposures using mean consumption data for whole population with mean concentration of PSTs were ranged from 0.002 to 0.026 μg STX eq./kg bw/day. For consumers only, the chronic exposures were in the range of 0.012–0.128 μg STX eq./kg bw/day.



麻痹性贝类中毒是毒素毒素及其类似物引起的。麻痹性贝类毒素(PSTs)是由海洋鞭毛虫产生的,可以在滤食性贝类(例如贻贝,蛤,牡蛎和方舟壳)中积累。贝类中PST的全球监管限制设定为80μgSTX eq./100 g肉,这被公认为可以提供足够的公共健康保护。在这项研究中,我们已经使用LC-MS / MS确定了贝类中的五个单独的PST(STX,GTX1,GTX2,GTX3和GTX4),并通过食用贝类来评估人类急性和慢性暴露于PST中。食品消费数据来自韩国全国健康与营养检查调查(KNHANES 2010–2015)。使用88 g /天(仅针对消费者的第95个百分位数)的较大体积大小且最大毒素水平为198.7μg/ kg的急性暴露量为0.30μg/ kg体重。尽管我们以保守的方式估计了急性暴露量,但仍低于国际组织提出的ARfDs(0.5或0.7μgSTX eq./kg bw),占ARfDs的43-60%。使用平均消费数据得出的全人群PSTs浓度的长期暴露范围为0.002至0.026μgSTX eq./kg bw /天。仅对于消费者而言,长期暴露范围为0.012-0.128μgSTX eq./kg bw /天。使用平均消费数据得出的全人群PSTs浓度的长期暴露范围为0.002至0.026μgSTX eq./kg bw /天。仅对于消费者而言,长期暴露范围为0.012-0.128μgSTX eq./kg bw /天。使用平均消费数据得出的全人群PSTs浓度的长期暴露范围为0.002至0.026μgSTX eq./kg bw /天。仅对于消费者而言,长期暴露范围为0.012-0.128μgSTX eq./kg bw /天。
