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Learning-based nonparametric autofocusing for digital holography
Optica ( IF 8.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-22 , DOI: 10.1364/optica.5.000337
Zhenbo Ren , Zhimin Xu , Edmund Y. Lam

In digital holography, it is crucial to extract the object distance from a hologram in order to reconstruct its amplitude and phase. This is known as autofocusing, which is conventionally solved by first reconstructing a stack of images, and then the sharpness of each reconstructed image is computed using a focus metric such as entropy or variance. The distance corresponding to the sharpest image is considered the focal position. This approach, while effective, is computationally demanding and time-consuming. To cope with this problem, we turn to machine learning, where we cast the autofocusing as a regression problem, with the focal distance being a continuous response corresponding to each hologram. Therefore, distance estimation is converted to hologram prediction, which we solve by designing a powerful convolutional neural network trained by a set of holograms acquired a priori. Experimental results show that this allows fast autofocusing without reconstructing an image stack, even when the physical parameters of the optical setup are unknown.


