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Annals for Hospitalists - 20 March 2018
Annals of Internal Medicine ( IF 19.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-20 , DOI: 10.7326/afho201803200
David H. Wesorick 1 , Vineet Chopra 1

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Inpatient Notes

Patient Experience as a Health Care Value Domain in Hospitals

—Patrick P. Kneeland, MD, and Marisha Burden, MD
Is it really possible to accurately measure what patients think and feel while they are in the hospital? And, can those data guide quality improvement initiatives in the hospital? This month's Inpatient Notes summarizes what every hospitalist should know about the emerging concept of “patient experience.”

Highlights of Recent Articles From Annals of Internal Medicine

In the Clinic: Palliative Care

Ann Intern Med. 2018;168:ITC33-ITC48. doi:10.7326/AITC201803060
This recent In the Clinic article provides a broad overview of palliative care.
Key points for hospitalists include:
  • Severe pain should be treated with opioid medications, starting with short-acting medications, then titrating the dose and adding long-acting agents as needed. The authors offer a recommended approach to dosing in the Box: Calculating Short- and Long-Acting Opioid Doses.

  • Neuropathic pain may respond to gabapentin, pregabalin, or certain antidepressants.

  • Dyspnea can be successfully managed with nonpharmacologic techniques (e.g., breathing training, gait aids, neuroelectrical muscle stimulation, and chest wall vibration). Low-dose morphine (10-20 mg/d) is considered the gold standard pharmacologic treatment for dyspnea. Other opioids may also be considered.

  • Depression is not a “normal” response to severe illness, and treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors is often appropriate. In some cases, other agents may have additional beneficial effects (e.g., mirtazapine may increase appetite and improve sleep; tricyclics, duloxetine, and venlafaxine may improve neuropathic symptoms).

Opioid Analgesic Use and Risk for Invasive Pneumococcal Diseases: A Nested Case–Control Study

Ann Intern Med. 2018;168:396-404. Published 13 February 2018. doi:10.7326/M17-1907
This case–control study used a Medicaid infection surveillance system in Tennessee to identify 1233 cases of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) and 24 399 matched controls without IPD, comparing opioid exposure between the groups. The study found that patients with IPD had higher odds of using opioids than controls (odds ratio, 1.62 [95% CI, 1.36 to 1.92]).
Key points for hospitalists include:
  • This study identifies opioid use as a novel risk factor for IPD, corroborating other evidence that opioid drugs are associated with an increased risk for infection.

  • The association was strongest for opioids that are long-acting, are potent, or are used in high doses (50-90 morphine milligram equivalents/d).

  • An editorial notes that, while this observational study cannot confirm causation, the efforts made to limit confounding, and concordant results seen in 2 other studies, make the conclusions plausible.

Device Closure Versus Medical Therapy Alone for Patent Foramen Ovale in Patients With Cryptogenic Stroke: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Percutaneous Closure Versus Medical Treatment in Stroke Patients With Patent Foramen Ovale: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Ann Intern Med. 2018;168:335-342. Published 9 January 2018. doi:10.7326/M17-2679
Ann Intern Med. 2018;168:343-350. Published 9 January 2018. doi:10.7326/M17-3033
These meta-analyses were performed in response to the publication of 2 new randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Each of these meta-analyses examined data from the same 4 RCTs. In all of the included trials, patients experienced cryptogenic stroke, and were found to have patent foramen ovale (PFO). The conclusions of both reviews were similar: Patients treated with mechanical closure of PFO were found to have an approximately 3% reduction in the absolute risk for recurrent stoke, but there was also an increase in the occurrence of atrial fibrillation/flutter in the closure group.
Key points for hospitalists include:
  • These meta-analyses, which include 2 new RCTs, show significantly lower rates of recurrent stroke after mechanical closure of PFO in patients presenting with cryptogenic stroke.

  • Even with this new evidence, it is difficult to accurately estimate the risk–benefit ratio for this procedure, because baseline rates of recurrent stroke are low, and the frequency of adverse events from the procedure is not well-defined.

  • An editorial suggests that these meta-analyses may lead to a shift toward more PFO closures in patients with cryptogenic stroke, but the optimal selection criteria for the procedure are not discussed.

Risk for Arterial and Venous Thrombosis in Patients With Myeloproliferative Neoplasms: A Population-Based Cohort Study

Ann Intern Med. 2018;168:317-325. Published 16 January 2018. doi:10.7326/M17-0028
This cohort study matched 9427 patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) to 35 820 controls to assess the risk for thrombosis in patients with these diseases (including polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia, and primary myelofibrosis). Patients with MPN were found to have significantly higher risk for thrombosis, especially within 30 days before or after diagnosis, during which time the odds ratio for venous thrombosis was 29.5. The hazard ratio for venous thrombosis at 3 months after diagnosis was 9.7, despite being only 3.2 at 5 years after diagnosis. Ratios for arterial thrombosis were 3 and 1.5, respectively.
Key points for hospitalists include:
  • This study confirms that the risk for thrombotic disease for patients with MPN is significantly increased. The increase in risk is especially notable in patients in the study's youngest (18 to 59 years) age group.

  • The risk seems to be highest around the time of diagnosis, decreasing thereafter (probably as a result of treatment) but remaining higher than in controls for the duration of follow-up.

  • An editorial suggests that this new information should result in a renewed interest in modifying traditional thromboembolic risk factors in these patients, and consideration of combinations of anticoagulant, antiplatelet, and anti-inflammatory treatments.

The Latest Highlights From ACP Journal Club

In patient with atrial fibrillation and stage 3 chronic kidney disease (CKD), do direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) have an advantage over warfarin?

Review: DOACs reduce intracranial hemorrhage more than warfarin in AF with CKD
Ann Intern Med. 2017;168:JC18. doi:10.7326/ACPJC-2018-168-4-018
This systematic review analyzed 5 RCTs (n = 12 545) comparing outcomes when using a DOAC versus warfarin for stroke prophylaxis in patients with stage 3 or 4 CKD (97% of patients were stage 3). Although rates of stroke, systemic embolism, and major bleeding were similar between groups, rates of intracranial hemorrhage were significantly lower in the DOAC group (number needed to treat, 130 (95% CI, 80 to 345).

Does the use of procalcitonin in the evaluation of acute respiratory infections have an effect on mortality?

Review: Procalcitonin-guided starting and stopping of antibiotics in acute respiratory infections reduces mortality
Ann Intern Med. 2017;168:JC19. doi:10.7326/ACPJC-2018-168-4-019
This systematic review examined 32 RCTs (n = 10 046) using procalcitonin testing in the evaluation of acute respiratory infections in various settings and concluded that the use of procalcitonin testing algorithms (with adherence ranging from 44% to 100%) resulted in significantly lower antibiotic exposure and lower mortality, but not lower rates of treatment failure. It remains unclear how procalcitonin testing might reduce mortality without reducing the rate of treatment failure.

Are sodium bicarbonate infusions and acetylcysteine helpful for preventing adverse effects of angiography?

Sodium bicarb vs sodium chloride, and acetylcysteine vs placebo, did not differ for adverse events after angiography
Ann Intern Med. 2017;168:JC22. doi:10.7326/ACPJC-2018-168-4-022
This 2 x 2 factorial, randomized placebo-controlled trial allocated 5177 adult patients with an estimated glomerular filtration rate of 15 to 44.9 mL/min/1.73m2 (or 45 to 59.9 mL/min/1.73m2 in patients with diabetes) to 1 of 4 prophylactic interventions prior to a planned angiography study. Patients received sodium bicarbonate, 150 mmol/L IV infusion or normal saline IV infusion, and oral acetylcysteine or placebo. Neither sodium bicarbonate infusion nor acetylcysteine administration had a significant effect on the composite outcome (death, need for dialysis, or creatinine level increase of ≥50%) or the rate of contrast-induced acute kidney injury, and the study was stopped early due to futility.
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—医学博士Patrick T. Kneeland和医学博士Marisha Burden



安实习生。2018年; 168:ITC33-ITC48。doi:10.7326 / AITC201803060
  • 严重疼痛应使用阿片类药物治疗,从短效药物开始,然后滴定剂量并根据需要添加长效药物。作者提供了一种建议的盒子给药方法:计算短效和长效阿片类药物剂量。

  • 神经性疼痛可能对加巴喷丁,普瑞巴林或某些抗抑郁药有反应。

  • 呼吸困难可以通过非药物技术(例如,呼吸训练,步态辅助,神经电肌肉刺激和胸壁振动)成功解决。低剂量吗啡(10-20 mg / d)被认为是呼吸困难的金标准药物治疗。也可以考虑其他阿片类药物。

  • 抑郁症不是对严重疾病的“正常”反应,使用选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂治疗通常是合适的。在某些情况下,其他药物可能还有其他有益作用(例如,米氮平可能增加食欲并改善睡眠;三环类药物,度洛西汀和文拉法辛可能会改善神经性症状)。


安实习生。2018; 168:396-404。发布于2018年2月13日。doi:10.7326 / M17-1907
这项病例对照研究使用了田纳西州的医疗补助监测系统,确定了1233例侵袭性肺炎球菌疾病(IPD)和24 399例无IPD的配对对照,比较了两组间的阿片类药物暴露。该研究发现,患有IPD的患者使用阿片类药物的几率高于对照组(赔率为1.62 [95%CI,1.36至1.92])。
  • 这项研究确定使用阿片类药物是IPD的新危险因素,进一步证实了阿片类药物与感染风险增加相关的其他证据。

  • 对于长效,有效或以高剂量(50-90吗啡毫克当量/天)使用的阿片类药物,这种关联最强。

  • 社论指出,尽管这项观察性研究无法确定因果关系,但为限制混淆而做出的努力以及其他两项研究中得出的一致结果,使结论似乎合理。



安实习生。2018; 168:335-342。发布于2018年1月9日。doi:10.7326 / M17-2679
安实习生。2018; 168:343-350。发表于2018年1月9日。doi:10.7326 / M17-3033
  • 这些荟萃分析(包括2个新的RCT)显示,在存在隐源性卒中的患者中,PFO机械闭合后复发性卒中的发生率显着降低。

  • 即使有了这些新证据,也很难准确估计该手术的风险收益比,因为复发性中风的基线发生率较低,而且手术中不良事件的发生频率也没有明确定义。

  • 社论认为,这些荟萃分析可能会导致隐源性卒中患者转向更多的PFO闭合治疗,但未讨论该手术的最佳选择标准。


安实习生。2018; 168:317-325。发布于2018年1月16日。doi:10.7326 / M17-0028
这项队列研究将9427名患有骨髓增生性肿瘤(MPN)的患者与35 820名对照进行了匹配,以评估这些疾病(包括真性红细胞增多症,原发性血小板增多症和原发性骨髓纤维化)患者血栓形成的风险。发现MPN患者有较高的血栓形成风险,尤其是在诊断前或诊断后30天内,在此期间静脉血栓形成的优势比为29.5。诊断后3个月静脉血栓形成的危险比为9.7,尽管诊断后5年仅为3.2。动脉血栓形成的比率分别为3和1.5。
  • 这项研究证实,MPN患者发生血栓性疾病的风险显着增加。在研究的最小年龄段(18至59岁)的患者中,风险增加尤为明显。

  • 该风险似乎在诊断时最高,此后降低(可能是治疗的结果),但在随访期间仍高于对照组。

  • 社论认为,这些新信息应引起人们对改变这些患者中传统血栓栓塞危险因素的兴趣,并考虑抗凝,抗血小板和抗炎治疗的组合。

ACP Journal Club的最新亮点


安实习生。2017; 168:JC18。doi:10.7326 / ACPJC-2018-168-4-018
该系统评价分析了5个RCT(n = 12545),比较了使用DOAC与华法林预防3期或4级CKD患者(97%的患者为3期)中风的结局。尽管各组的中风,全身性栓塞和大出血发生率相似,但DOAC组的颅内出血发生率明显更低(需要治疗的人数为130(95%CI,80至345))。


安实习生。2017; 168:JC19。doi:10.7326 / ACPJC-2018-168-4-019
这项系统评价使用降钙素测试对32种RCT(n = 10 046)进行了评估,以评估各种环境下的急性呼吸道感染,并得出结论,降钙素测试算法的使用(依从性为44%至100%)可显着降低抗生素使用率暴露并降低死亡率,但治疗失败率却不降低。降钙素原测试如何在不降低治疗失败率的情况下降低死亡率仍是未知的。


安实习生。2017; 168:JC22。doi:10.7326 / ACPJC-2018-168-4-022
这项2 x 2因数随机安慰剂对照试验分配了5177名成年患者,其肾小球滤过率估计为15至44.9 mL / min / 1.73m 2(或糖尿病患者为45至59.9 mL / min / 1.73m 2)至在计划的血管造影研究之前进行的4项预防性干预措施中的1项。患者接受碳酸氢钠,150 mmol / L静脉输注或生理盐水静脉输注,以及口服乙酰半胱氨酸或安慰剂。碳酸氢钠输注和乙酰半胱氨酸给药对复合结局(死亡,需要透析或肌酐水平升高≥50%)或造影剂引起的急性肾损伤的发生率均无显着影响,并且该研究因以下原因而中止无用。